A gentle breeze was flowing throught Mark's open window. He was awake but his eyes were closed. He could feel the breeze hit him ever so gently. It felt so good. Then, the phone rang and he leaped out of bed and answered it. He'd been doing that for the last 2 days. Every time the phone rang, no matter wehre he was in the house, he would always manage to answer it before the second ring. "Hello" he said "May I speak to Mark Hunter please" a woman said "This is Mark Hunter" he replied "Hello Mark this is Dr.Lewis" "Do you have my test results?" he asked "Yes I do" she said "and I'm sorry to say..." she continued. Right then, Mark panicked. "Oh God" he thought "I have cancer". His palms got really sweaty. The phone was about to slip out of his hands when he heard the end of Dr.Lewis' sentence. "...that the results are inconclusive, I reccomend that you come back down here for a bone marrow biopsy" Mark wasn't sure if he should be relieved or more worried. "A biopsy?" he said "Does that mean that it's most likely cancer?" "Like I said" the doctor replied "It's possible that you may have Leukemia but the biopsy is to rule that out, can you come today?" "Yes, I'll come now" Mark said "Just talk to the ER receptionist and tell her that I sent you, she'll know what to do" Dr.Lewis said "O.k, bye" he replied. After hanging up the phone he turned around to see his mother standing there, she looked worried. "What did the doctor say?" she asked "SHe said that I have to go back for a bone marrow biopsy, I may have Leukemia." As soon as he said that, her expression changed from worried to down right scared. "Don't worry Mom" he said "It's only a possibility, there's nothing to worry about yet". He turned to the key rack, took his car keys, kissed his mom on the cheek and left for the hospital.

When Mark got to the ER, he went to the reception area and told the nurse that Dr.Lewis sent him for a bone marrow biopsy. She told him to go behind curtain 2 and wait for her. When he reached curtain 2 he saw a little stuffed kangaroo on the bed. At first he just ignored it. Then, he picked it up and looked at it, it was scruffy but cute. He smiled. The nurse arrived and he asked her if she knew who the kangaroo belonged to. She shook her head. She told him to lie on the bed so she can take the sample.The incision in the pelvic bone really hurt. He tried to take his mind off of it by staring at the ceiling but the pain was unbearable. He shut his eyes really tight and counted to 100. then the pain was gone. He got through it without screaming. Mark wondered how many tests he was going to have to go through before he was better. He had a feeling this one wouldn't be the last.

When it was over, the nurse told him that Dr.Lewis wanted to see him in her office. He thanked the nurse and walked to the elevator, got in and pressed 5. During the ride up he noticed that he took the kangaroo with him. "Oh well...I'll bring it back down when I'm done" he thought. When he got off the elevator he saw Anne standing there. She looked like she had been crying. Anne?" Mark said. She turned around and looked almost happy to see him. "Oh Mark!" she said and started to cry. She leaned into him and he put his arms around her. She cried for a couple of minuted. "What happened?" he asked "Is Megan o.k?" "No" she answered and sniffed. "A nurse phoned me and said that Megan had contracted an illness called... Oh I forget, anyways, she told me that Megan had to be admitted in the hospital." "When I went into her room to get her clothes, she was lying on the floor gasping for air, I grabbed her and bolted over here." The doctors say she stabilized for now." Anne looked down and saw what Mark was holding in his hand. "What are you doing with Gagaroo?" she asked "Gaga who?" he asked "Gagaroo, Megan's kangaroo" she answered "Oh" he said and looked at the animal "I found him on a bed in the ER" He handed the kangaroo to her "I'm glad I found the owner." "Is there anything I can do?" he asked "Do you want me to go pick up Megan's stuff at your house?" Anne looked at him and wondered "What a strange question. I've only known this man for a very short time" For some reason she felt like she could trust him, like he was a good man. "That would be great" she said "The bags should be in her room." He smiled and said "I'll be back in a flash" and turned towards the elevator "Wait" she said "Are you sure you have everything?" she asked "I think so, what am I missing?" he replied "My address" she said and giggled "It's 552 Evergreen Lane" "O.k" he said and got on the elevator.

Anne sighed and walked to Megan's room to give her Gagaroo.

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