Intelligence Network Manager
PACAF Intelligence System Operation Center
HQ PACAF Intelligence System Division - Hickam AFB Hawaii
Systems Network Manager, September 1994 to Present
Re-engineer LAN.
5AF Intelligence Systems - Yokota AB Japan - Network Manager, 1992 - 1994
Installed and manage the first Ethernet network to support 100 AF Intelligence personnel. The network consisted of 30 SUN SPARC 2 workstation, with 2 SUN SPARC 630 Servers running SunOS and Solaris. Connected to Intelink (Classified Network), MAXI (Message handling software). Additonally, 20 PC provided administration support to the staff. Microsoft’s DOS, Excel, Word, and Power Point software was used on all PC’s. Provided system security focal point for this Headquarters. Other systems supported were 5D (Image handling on SUN SPARC 10), and CTAPS (C4I network on SUN SPARC 2, 10 and 20). Provide System Security policies. Provided Strategic information planning, managed Human resources, Interfaced with vendors, provided user training, and hardware/software trouble shooting services.
24 Air Division - Griffiss AFB NY - Network Manager, 1987 - 1989
Worked with Rome Labs on Special projects cosisted of data feeds from satellites, to a real time display. Provided managment of computer resouces for the Intelligence division, that consisted of 30 PC’s spread along eastern seaboard. Microsoft’s DOS, Excel, Word, and Power Point software was used on all PC’s. Provided training to 100 National Guard personnel on use of hardware and software. Provide system security focal point for this Headquarters.
49 Fighter Intercept Sq - Griffiss AFB NY - Computer Manager, 1982 - 1987
Provided managment of computer resouces for the Operations staff, that consisted of 15 PC’s. Microsoft’s DOS, Wordstar, Lotus 123, dbase and Harvard Graphics software was used on all PC’s. Provided training to 50 active duty personnel on use of hardware and software. Provide system security focal point for this unit. (256k RAM was really big then)
Electronic mail address
At Work
Really Personal
Web address
HQ PACAF Intelligence page
Side Interest
Office phone