Wednesday, February 16 – The World As Best I Remember It

Victor Wooten, "Yin Yang" (disc 2)
R.E.M., "Automatic For The People"
The Complete Recording, "Miss Saigon" (disc 2)
Steve Winwood, "Roll With It"
funny thing happened to me on the way to work this morning. Right above my head, the sky was clear and blue, but all around, there were dark clouds. It was even raining – I looked for a rainbow but didn’t see one. I’m hoping it’s all a heavenly sign – that blue skies will follow me everywhere I go – but I’ve gotten in trouble placing my trust in signs before.

Time to catch up on a few things that have been going on in my life.  Mother and Baby are doing fine, at least according to their doctor.  She was amazed at how well all of the tests for genetic disorders went, which is great to hear.  Probably my biggest fear was that our baby would have some kind of birth defect -- Downs Syndrome, for example -- but the chances of that are now almost zero.

I've received a couple of calls about jobs.  Although I'm almost reluctant to get into all of this again, especially after the disaster that occurred over Christmas, I'm trying to stay open to anything.  I just have to think of the end result, should something work out: a job I may actually enjoy, instead of dread; a place to live that is closer to home (and all of the future grandparents); the ability to actually afford a house instead of being stuck in a crappy apartment.

I'll tell you how pathetic our lives have been lately.  Of course, anybody who is actually reading this would probably already know, but I'm going to give you yet another example.  I got home late from work Tuesday, and neither of us felt like cooking anything, so we decided to go out to dinner -- to McDonalds.  89-cent Chicken McNuggets night, you know.  And I even had a winning gamepiece for a free cheeseburger -- party on!!!  But before we left, my wife had to set the VCR -- to record "Family Feud".  That has to be just about the most rednecked thing I've ever heard -- setting the VCR to tape "Family Feud" so we can have dinner at McDonalds.  Granted, there actually was a reason -- the cast of "Freaks and Geeks," our favorite show that is no longer on TV (it's on hiatus right now, being replaced with one of those insipid prime-time game shows) was on.  But it's a sad state as to what our life currently holds, and I think it has scared me into further action to try to decide my future.