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Whoa!   the Online Writer has migrated serious writing to the New Online Writer! The pages here in GeoCities contain much of the "other" material originally associated with the Online Writer. Feel free to browse around, experience what is still here, and pardon us for any inconvenience the move may cause you. Thank you!

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There are a series of books visible in the opening screen of these pages, and clicking on one of these titles will provide much more to see and do. Navigation is enhanced, while traversing the many pages available, by using the Quick Navigator found at the bottom of every page. You can shift from reading serious work, to reading humor, to learning HTML to submitting your own work to sending a postcard - all interlinked using the Quick Navigator. The titles of these books to be clicked on, and the related subjects are:

So whether you are interested in sharing your own writing, or reading what others have written, or curious about how to make a page or you wish to send a card or read some quick humor or just relax (tranquility) you'll find what you're looking for, easily, in these pages. (Bookmark what you enjoy, especially the Engines and PostCard pages!) Enjoy the visit, and if something isn't quite right ( ? ) fill out the form in the Problems book and let us know what isn't working. You'll receive prompt acknowledgement of your concern and others will benefit as navigation improves. Others will also benefit when you share your own writing, to be read forever...

Link: Web Page Design by the Online Writer
Do you want a page you can be proud of?
Ideas and alternatives to Web Page Design ~
Let the Online Writer assist you in the creation of an expression that is uniquely 'You'
Click on 'Web Page Design' for a memo, addressed to You...

PS. The Online Writer is NOT dead - but he would like to share his epitaph with you!


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the Online Writer is a member of The HTML Writers Guild Some material on this site may have been copied from the Public Domain, and I would like to credit the original authors of any such material. Thank you.
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This Page © Copyright 1998-2003, John B. Moss - the Online Writer
Last updated on: 26 April 2003