This page is dedicated to Andy and Jef (whose email addies are not included because I know people can be cruel), two of my best friends on earth who are ALWAYS there for me, and are both gay. Two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I am EXTREMELY proud of these two guys for their expression of freedom. They are my pride and joy. So... I'll try to update this page the most to make it decent for them. I hope you guys like the links. And please, please don't send me hate mail. Because I may be Wiccan, but freedom is one of my highest points, and I could really care less if you think that it's an abomination of God or WHATEVER. You make a homepage and you can put your hatred on it... Okay? Okay. :)

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Human Rights Campaign Online

Queer AmericaEverything you need--made by National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Youth

Couples, the site dedicated to men in love

Robert & Jere's page A page done by an HIV +/- couple

Domestic Partner Info

Annette & Sharon's page Legal recognition, protection, & marriage

The Arguments & The Motives All about marriage

Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples Has lots of info on equal rights in the workplace, etc.

Please let me know if these links don't work by mailing me!

If you have found this page printed out, you can find the original at