The following are a series of uncompleted stories (is anything ever really 100%). As I gain the time I will add to this collection from my archives. These stories are in no order or preference and all are the beginnings of things I one day hope to complete. If you would like to see any of these completed, drop me a line. I'll put it on my priority list of things to do. 97/07/28 S.S.P. More in the Works -- 99/03/22 S.S.P. Sky Strider and the Dungeons of Thead
Wilted Flowers
The Piper
This Week's Perspective -...
Past Perspectives -
As Always - your comments and feed back are welcome. My thoughts to your thoughts. May the Palintar leave them undistorted. May I see you as you see me. Contact the AUTHORReturn to The Palantir Return to Worlds Index Return to Perspectives Index![]()
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