Asdzani Bah

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I was born on a Monday within the Navajo month of T'aa Chil, which is under the constellation Taurus, in the year of the fire Dragon. I've been alive for more than a quarter of a century.


If you know me by a true name which binds me (symbols upon dead trees--all of it forming me). Then this is me, a story....

My name is derived from heritage. My mother, a Navajo woman, bestowed upon her first daughter the name "Woman Who Returns from War". It was a common name among the Dine (Navajo) but this name hallmarked the safe return of the infant's uncle from the Vietnam war.

"Again" in Dine translates more precisely as "starting at a point, moving in a circular motion to arrive at the starting point once again."


By now the pattern is obvious--all this information goes nowhere...

All that has been discovered is that, just as my name hinted, I like to go around in circles. Unfortunately you, my dear reader, have been caught up in the ride.

That's not to say there is nothing interesting about me for even a bug has interesting points. That's also not to say that I find myself overtly intriguing. The reason? I would say that generally people are use to themselves and so find themselves common place, but this is in error.

There is nothing so vastly alien as another being's mind. I'll look at a young woman conversing with friends and think to myself "what things occupy her mind? Does this person ever wonder what it feels like to be someone else? Are the events in her life so crammed together that she never wonders about the world around her? Has she ever stood and wondered about the thoughts of others just like I am right this instant?"

Reading online journals, diaries, personal essays and whatnots allow me to glimpse part of that elusive alien life. I can see through the eyes of someone older than me struggling through red tape to built a dream house from scratch or my heart can be warmed by someone experiencing love in its full bloom. I can empathize, extrapolate, reminisce, and be befuddled. There is nothing so amazing as another sentient life.

The only problem is the thoughts may have been placed down very messily. Online personal sources are not as clean and coherent as that of a T.V. documentary or NPR's This American Life. But that is to be expected of something so raw, so uncensored and so honest to life.

By now I am assuming I am that young woman chatting with a friend while you are wondering if I've ever felt as you do now.

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Asdzani Bah: "Raider Woman"

Last modified on Friday, December 11, 1998