
They say that April showers bring May flowers. I don't know if you're like me, but I like to curl up with a good book in bad weather.

Horror Writers

There's nothing like a book that has you looking for things out of the corner of your eyes...

We all float down here...Stephen King
It started with a Ghost Story...Peter Straub
There's more than meets the eye in all his books Clive Barker
Sci-fi meets horrorJohn Saul
Queen horrific creatures Anne Rice

The Dramatists

Hauntingly real charactersAlice Hoffman
The ordinary not so ordinarilyAnne Tyler
A man from my state who offers the sage advice "keep passing the open windows."John Irving


The doctor-poet Willam Carlos Willams
my fave poet Anne Sexton And my fave living poet Jim Carroll


For great fantasy David Eddings

Inane but fun Douglas Adams
What if the South had AK-47's during the cival war? Harry Turtledove
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