A Word From One of Our Sponsors

    Eddie misplaced his artificial foot and then lost his crutch in a stupid bar bet.  It was a pathetic situation and there was no consoling him.  He drank and cursed and sexed until he was finally overwhelmed with clinical depression.  "Fine.  There is finally hope."  His friends forced him out of the house (it was like transporting a heavy dark cloud) and dropped him off at ARTSPACE COFEEHOUSE GALLERY.  It was a Monday night.

    Gus read Psychobabble in a clear gentle voice.  A spark ignited in Eddie's forlorn mind.  First a smile, then a giggle, finally a loud, sick, hollow laughter.  We watched in wonderment.

    Since then Eddie has hardly misplaced his foot and has not lost a bar bet in over three months.  Psychobabble, it's wondrous!!

Joe Schlesser
Assistant Busboy
Oct. 31, 1994