Undead Again: Fiction by Sunday Wood

This site is dedicated to the work of Sunday Wood, a writer, artist, and game designer.

We are currently undergoing major re-construction and ask you to be patient.

This is going to be major CHAOS.  I plan to upload all of the bits and pieces of my stories so that anyone who is interested can watch as the larger works evolve.  Bear with me if some of the fragments are... well, less than polished.

For those of you looking for the further adventures of the vampire, Byron Stark,  expect an update by the end of the summer, 2000.

If you would like more information, Please leave me a note below.  I will try to answer each note as my schedule permits.

 The Vampire Story Cooperative Writing Project has been discontinued due to lack of interest.  My thanks go out to those who participated.

Thanks for visiting, and check back soon.

Sunday Wood, 5/13/00

Undead Again is the proud member of a number of great webrings. 

 Visit our webrings page!

Copyright 2000 by Sunday Wood Publishing.  Nothing from this site may be reproduced without the permission of the author.

Email: holdsthewhip@aol.com

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