October 24th

My quote of the day!

"This is my 'depressed stance'. When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high, because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this."

~~Charlie Brown

My thoughts....

Okay..i found this quote fitting today, not because i'm especially depressed. In fact, i'm kind of enjoying my morning. I was pretty depressed last nite; i actually cried at the Wedding Singer...pathetic, ain't it?! I know...but i'm better now. So i've decided to do something about my writing problem. I don't think i've completely lost my talent...i just need to find ways to bring it out. Plus, i think i'm going to do some research on publishing and magazine writing. I could definitely see myself writing articles about bands and music. To me, that'd be awesome. Go to all these concerts and then get paid for my articles. I would love that! Now my dad's talking about needing my help for his production company. I would seriously love to help him with that. Plus, i really love this black and white photgraphy stuff..i had a really good time taking all those pics, and i did pretty well, considering it was my first time with that camera. Ok, so i'm feeling pretty good about myself today...i'm actually excited about my life. You reading this, dad? :) Ok..i'm off to try and avoid wasting the day away...bye everyone!

see journal from 10/22