October 24th

My quote of the day!

"Life's a promise that doesn't last. Resurrections of the past. Children come and are gone so fast. So gimme faith in love..." ~~ Amanda Marshall, 'Fall from Grace'

My thoughts....

Hey everyone...i'm doing okay today, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. I'm not really feeling good or bad today...I'm just kinda confused about my life. And I guess everyone goes thru that, you aren't really sure where your life is going, or what you want . I feel like i've been like this for so long tho. And nothing is making sense. Nothing's remotely even making sense to me. I've got my friends...a few really good ones, that are definitely making all of this better. I don't know what i'd do without them. But at the same time, they're kinda making me feel worse about it. They just seem like they've got their lives on track, not completely, but atleast they know what they want...they've got goals and they're doing what they can to move toward that. I've got goals...but for some reason i just can't do anything to reach them. I even know what i should be doing. I should be doing research to find out about publishing jobs...even looking for possible summer internships, but i'm not. And i know i have to talk to this guy, about my feelings, and i think i'm too worried about how he'll react, so i can't seem to say anything. My classes are going ok, i'm really worried about getting my history test back, i really don't think i want to see it. That was such a hard test, i was so lost throughout it. I know i didn't do well, i know it. I'm just stuck in this funk i'm in. I want to get out of it so badly, and i just don't. I think maybe i'll start now...hopefully things will work out. Okay...i'll see everyone tomorrow!

see journal from 10/24