December 7th, 1998

My quote of the day!

"There is no right and wrong. Only fun and boring."

My thoughts....

Okay...i know it's been forever since i've updated this, and i'm sorry. There's no excuse for missing an entire month! But i've been so busy with school. My classes are keeping my life pretty hectic. Plus, i've been really i've been sleeping and studying a lot...not much else. But i've also been doing a lot of reading. I went to a poetry reading last month in philly, and i saw Yusef Komunyakaa read. He was amazing...i was truly taken back by his poetry. So I bought one of his books, Magic City, and i've been reading a lot of his poetry. His imagery is so wonderful...great language too. If you're into poetry, definitely check him out. His newest book, Neon Vernacular, won the's definitely worth reading. Great stuff! Anyway...let's see, what else is new? I've been writing a lot, and having a little trouble finishing poems...but i'm pretty happy with the ones i've gotten done. I'll be sure to share some soon. Classes are going fine...i went to see Tori Amos at Univ. of was a great show. She did lots of old stuff, from Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink...and she ended the show with Winter, which i love. Lately, I've been really obsessed with the song Northern Lad on the new album, and i was hoping she'd do that...but she didn't. So i was a little disappointed, but the show was great anyway. She did China with just her and the piano, and that was amazing. Hearing it live gave me a whole new feeling about the song. The lyrics are so true..very fitting. So, anyway...that's what's been going on here. I have one more week of classes and then a week of finals and then i go home for a month. I can't wait. I definitely need a break from the "West Chester Insanity" as my friends and i like to call it. It's chaotic here; it really is, but i've got my friends here to keep me sane. I don't know what i'd do without them! :) Ok, I hope to be updating this page more often...i'm gonna try my best! Talk to you all soon!

see journal from 10/24