December 15th, 1998

My quote of the day!

"I feel like I'm gaining my soul while I'm losing my mind."
---Vonda Shepard, 'Grain of Sand'

My thoughts....

Okay....yes, i'm updating my page because i can't look at any notes anymore. I've been studying for these damn finals so much, i'm driving myself crazy. I've got so much to do and i'm trying, but i can't stare at this work i'm taking a creativity-vent break! :) Things are going pretty well right now tho. I've got a great new roomie...she's awesome. And it's so nice to have that. I've never actually had a roommate that i totally got along with and we were actually friends. So it's very nice to have that - thank you Katie-Girl! You're making life here so much better! :) I feel like I'm finally in the life that i want to be in. I'm doing work, finally getting things done and it's nice to be having fun at the same time. I had the best weekend, just hangin out with my friends, and it was great. I'm gonna miss you all so much over break....we better keep in contact over that month! Maybe we'll even get to see each other and hang out...that'd be awesome! I don't know what it is, but even with all the stress of classes, i'm in the best mood...have been for the past few days. So it's nice...i feel like i'm out of my funk! Ok...i'm gonna try and get this onto my page....geocities is being a pain in the ass tonite, so we'll see if it'll let me update! I'll talk to everyone later! G'nite...wish me luck on my finals!

see journal from 12/7