February 3, 1999

My quote of the day!

"And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through..."

~~David Bowie

My thoughts....

Hey everyone...i decided it's about time i update my journal, cuz i know you're all dying to know what i've been doing with my life. Not a whole lot actually...classes are going ok, but not too exciting. But then again, it's only been 3 weeks. So lately i've been just hanging around a lot..too much actually. I need a job cuz i'm so broke it's not funny...but i've been too lazy to actually get up off my ass and look for one. I will tho..i've realized that in order to live...or atleast have fun, u need money. There's no way around it. And we've been looking for a house for next year...we found a cool one, and the rent is really cheap, so we're hoping to get it. Me, Katie, Greg and Michael are gonna live together, so that should definitely be interesting. I'm sure i'll have lots of stories to talk about...i may not be able to share some of them on here, but...just kidding. We're good kids...we just live in a screwed up world. That's it...i'll blame it on society, since everyone blames everything on society. Eventho we all make up society, so that means we all screwed up the world...but enough philosophy for today. I'm too tired to get into it. I had a pretty busy weekend, eventho friday nite at 10:00 i was layin in bed watchin the news. But i did actually go out that nite, so it was cool. Eventho alex kept us out till 3am, and we were all just sitting at the bowling alley in NORRISTOWN (like 40 min away) watching him and bob show off their skills...they basically made asses of themselves and pissed us all off, but we got home eventually. Then last nite i went to an 80's party with some friends. Rob was supposed to be there, but he decided he had better things to do...so he sat home, alone, and played playstation. Sounds like loads of fun, huh?! We had a good time tho...singing and dancing like idiots to Come On Eileen. Ok...i'm bored now, so i'm gonna end this little rant session. I'll talk to u all sometime in the future.

see journal from 12/15