August 27th

My quote of the day!

( Idea stolen from
Tigerlily's page)

"And now I'll tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find

A totally amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me"

-- The Cranberries "Dreams"

My thoughts...'s very late, but i wanted to update my journal, since it hasn't been new in a few days. I've been dwelling on the past a lot lately. I guess that's cuz i'm getting ready to get backto school, and things aren't going to be anywhere close to the way i think things should be...or atleast how i wish they'd be. So I keep backtracking to the way things were last semester. Little moments keep popping into mybrain...little conversations...a view of someone's room...even just a mental picture of my shelf of's weird what enters your brain at ceratin times. I mean...when you absolutely have no control over your thoughts. Like the other nite...I mean, i'm a sap...i am, i admit it. But the other nite Annie was on and i that's pathetic. I just kept reminiscing. I keep thinking about the fact that things are going to be different when i get back to school. I can't wait to see everyone,don't get me wring, but I'm also kinda nervous. It'll be great to see all my friends tho...i haven't seen someof them since the spring. so i can't wait to be together with them again. I hope things work out well for me thissemester...i want to do well in classes and have plenty of fun...i hope i can balance things :) I didn't do too bad of a job in the spring, but i wanna do better this fall. My gpa's just not where i want it to be. But I can'tgo completely without that's just not healthy! LOL...

Okay kids..i'm heading off to upload this and then i'm gonna get to bed :) G'Nite...see y'all in dreamland!

see journal from 8/23