August 29th

My quote of the day!

( Idea stolen from
Tigerlily's page)

"I never bleed
I'm stronger than Superman, oh
I'm made of steel yes I am, yes I am, yes I am
And I'll tell you the truth:
I'm bulletproof"

-- The Nields 'Bulletproof'

My thoughts...

I picked this quote today, not cuz i'm feeling especially invincible or anything, i've actually felt pretty weak and vulnerable lately. I don't know why exactly...usually when i feel like this i atleast try and convince myself that i'm stronger. But today i'm just allowing myself to feel weak. I'm not even really depressed...i guess i'm just relaxing. I think the vulnerability has something to do with the fact that i've been worrying about everything lately. I'm not exactly sure why, cuz i have only a few things really worth worrying about, but i guess it's just my, i know it's my nature. everyone always tells me that i worry too damn much, i guess they're right :) But i'm going back to school on sunday, so i'm definitely ready to get back there and see everyone. Plus I'm actually kinda excited about my classes this fall...i'm taking a poetry class and an anerican film class, so they should both be great. basically i'm just rambling today...not a whole lot to say.

But i found this ani song from her first album the other i'm gonna share the lyrics...

Letting the Telephone Ring

--Ani DiFranco

I am letting the telephone ring
cause I don't want to know why
I don't want to hear you explain
I don't want to hear you cry
I have written so much about you
so much I thought I knew
words like water used to flow
now what could I possibly have to say?
she is someone I don't even know
and all the things that you've given to me
I see now were simply reparations
they were gifts of your guilt
they were my preparation
I know I should be mature
keep my feet on the floor
but for some reason,
I just don't want them anymore
I know this shouldn't be important
compared to you and I
but I can still hear my questions
and I can still hear you
I can still hear you
now vicariously I have her in me
I want to peel off my skin
let the water wash in
you always said that I was hiding
that I was hiding from you
but you are capable of things I could not do
you are capable of things I could not do
I remember how you pretended
how you pretended to touch me
I remember how I couldn't bring myself to believe
I remember wondering,
what was wrong
what was wrong
how could I be so naive
how could I be so naive?

see journal from 8/27

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