Welcome to the Director's Chair

Would you like to participate?

In the "Adventures of Moto and Kozo" the readers are invited to make suggestions as to content direction and character development.


If you wish to suggest a character, suggest character personality traits, or suggest what a character might do next, please e-mail me at the e-mail link below.

Please provide answers to these questions: Name of character?; what basic personality traits has the character; is there something you'd like to see the character do or accomplish?; and please name at least two personal habits the character might exhibit.


If you want to suggest a twist to the plot, please e-mail me. Please answer these questions: What turn of events would you like to see take place?; Do you have a reason (if "YES", then what are they?); and are you interesting in doing some of the writing?

Please e-mail me at the address below and if you would like to see a "personality profile" of a character, don/t hesitate to ask....

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