Hello, and welcome to physics at Blessed William Howard.

Split into three sections;lower school;, GCSE Combined and Single award; and A level, teaching of physics at Blessed William Howard continues to be at the cutting edge of physics teaching.

The department comprises of 2 members of staff encompasing a broad range of specialisims within physics. Details of each member can be found on the staff section.

All students are required to study physics as part of the national curriculum, we offer physics as part of single award combined science, as part of the double awrd in combined science and as a seperate subject at GCSE level. In all cases Physics is taught by subject specialists, as are all of the science subjects at Blessed William Howard. Currently there is one AS level class within the department and this is taught my Mr.Swann and Dr. Yurtman. Physics continues to be a selected choice and the department is looking to expand its provision from 14-19. A rough outline of what will be encountered at each of the sections follows:

Key Stage 3 (years 7 - 9)

In the first year of high school the pupils follow a general science course, eureka, designed to ease them into the scientific method including scientific thought and experimentation. The emphasis is on science around you and using science to explain what the children will of already noticed about the outside world. For more information please see the first year webpage.

Following from the year 7 course the pupils then progress to the second level of the Eureka scheme, again the scheme offers an acceptable amount of differentiation while still allowing pupils to progress. For more information please see the second year webpage.

In year 9 pupils continue to follow the Eureka programme, however the level of detail in the subjects require specialist teaching and so the students are rotated within the science department to ensure they are taught by a subject specialist, this alos prepares them for the progression onto GCSE level in the subject. At the end of this year pupils sit the SATs test. For more information please see the third year webpage.

GCSE (years 10,11)

Students can choose to follow one of three option at Blessed William Howard with regards to science;

  • Combined Single award
  • Combined Dual award
  • Seperate Triple Award

  • all of these options meet the requirements of the national curriculum.

    For more information please see the GCSE webpage.

    A level (6th form)

    For more information please see the A Level webpage.

    please submit problems to:Mr. Swann