Let Make Thing Better
The information give and the recommendation made herein are accurate to the best of our knowledge and experience.This is given only for the guidance of our customers.User are advised to comfirm for the accuracy and the suitability of this product for their particular purpose under their own operating conditions
Our Mission
Site integration is an important feature of our joint venture to ensure consistent feedstock supplies with low operate cost and produce quality products.We are committed to the development of large, integrated sites to achieve efficiencies of scale in other Asia-Pacific countries and a global context
Our Product Application
- Adhesives for Automobile
- Adhesives for Lamination
- Adhesives for Furnitures
- Adhesives for Electricity &Electronics
- Adhesives for Construction
- Adhesives for Fabric
- Adhesives for Shoes
- Adhesives for Other Industries
Contract Information
Thai Nippon Adhesives Company is trying to the best satisfaction of customer while making an adhesion consulting on troublesome materials and supporting a technical advices and field services, wherever and whenever, as possible as we do.