  • Why the concern about your health?
  • My age - to keep my body healthy.
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • Heart - Legs
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • High energy foods
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • 1st Energy
  • 2nd Lazyness; both after dinner
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • No
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • No
  • Any other questions or statements?

    Why the concern about your health?
  • Lack of weight, strength, appetite
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • weight, nerves, muscle cramping, abdominal pains, nausea
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • how to improve above conditions
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • It's worse under stress, then the condition feeds itself
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • Long-standing
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • Anxiety
  • Any other questions or statements?

  • What food supplements would help

  • 5-4-50
    Why the concern about your health?
  • Age group, under stress
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • weight, body tone
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • good diet, food groups
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • Short, nervous
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • Yes
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • ?
  • Any other questions or statements?

    Why the concern about your health?
  • Because I'm into my recovery from alcoholism and want to be the best I can be
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • My energy level. Nervousness. Complexsion
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • How to keep from being tired. How to combat anxiety. What foods are good or bad for the complextion
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

    Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

    Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

    Any other questions or statements?

  • Is one big meal a-day healthy or should I eat more often?

  • 2-21-59
    Why the concern about your health?
  • To live a long healthy, vibrant, active, non-degenerative life with zeal & energy
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • weight control, cholesteral, muscle maintainence
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • I tend to be hyper, jumpy, unfocused because my energy is crazy
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • I eat during periods of depression, stress, rejection
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • No
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • ? (non sure) Self analysis needed
  • Any other questions or statements?

  • Amino acids - effects (good & bad). I tend to be low-fat-sodium oriented. Try to eat lots of natural sugars, i.e., fruits, applesauce. However, I've never been vitamin orientated

  • 6-22-59
    Why the concern about your health?
  • Because I feel that, besides my sobriety I feel that health & nutrition is a very vital & important step in our daily lives, to feel better about myself & others around me.
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • My weight, I feel I need to eat better and eventually start a daily weight lifting program; which involves self-motivation, self-discipline.
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • What vitamins are best for detoxing from alcohol? & which are the best foods to eat?
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • Usually after dinner I crave a ciggarette, my craving for food usually manifests Before I eat
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • its usually reoccuring, it Varies due to the setting
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • usually Both, It Could also Be proceded By an action.
  • Any other questions or statements?

  • What Is the Best remedy or food, Vitamin besides ZINC is good for acne?

  • 6-14-62
    Why the concern about your health?
  • The only concern I have is my slow matabalism.
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • None
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • What can I do to increase my matabalism.
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

  • ----
  • Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

  • ---
  • Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

  • ---
  • Any other questions or statements?

  • ---

  • 11-6-71
    Why the concern about your health?
  • Lack of energy
  • What area physically has you concerned?

  • See above/constipation
  • What is it you wish to know, specifically?

  • what foods give more & less energy. what is good for proper bowel movement
  • When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

    Is it long-standing or reoccuring?

    Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

    Any other questions or statements?

  • I would like a chart of the balanced food groups in meals or examples

  • ALCOHOLISM.....General chart pattern

    The research/statistics for this article where compiled in 1992. For approx. 1 year I lived on a recovery/retreat/farm on the Mendocino Coast. The residents were male ranging in age from 56 to 21. The psychological environment was living w/out booze; one day at a time, day-to-day routine. I literally worked along side the residents, part due to rental agreement and part due as therapist. For example, clearing an area for gardening (self-sufficiency) or working in the greenhouse coaxing the roses into doing what they do best - the roses in fact were a cash-crop.
    The physiological environment was good food, fresh veggies, mountain-trees-ocean, fresh air. However, as usual the diet also contained coffee and cigarettes.

    Most all were interested in proper diet/nutrition, how (taking full advantage of the opportunity of their immediate environment) to eat/live at a higher level of health, liveliness and energy. Having a broad knowledge of food and its general chemistry within the human body, I offered my services. I announced their participation as an opportunity to help them selves and help the therapist.

    A questionnaire was given to each participate, as follows:

    In preparation to our NUTRITIONAL PRESENTATION, please take a moment to answer the following questions.

    Why the concern about your health?

    What area physically has you concerned?

    What is it you wish to know, specifically?

    Answer if appropriate:
    When does the situation, the craving, the reaction manifest? After dinner? Under stress? Explain.

    Is it long-standing or reoccurring?

    Is it proceeded by a thought or feeling? Please specify.

    Any other questions or statements?

    The participants had one week to go over the questionnaire. One of the first questions was birth date. The participants were unaware that I was also using their horoscope to scope-out eating habits - strong and weak points (known as Medical Astrology my reference was The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman, 1982). After receiving their responses, another week passed while I prepared their individualized reports. We then sat down as a group and went over each report, with a Q&A period after each. Their willingness will be forever appreciated and gave us the following data.

    BIRTHDATES INVOLVED LISTING HARD ASPECTS (Conjunction, Square, Quincunx, Opposition). Enter thru B'day to view QUESTIONNAIRE response.

  • 4-13-36
  • 5-22-47
  • 5-4-50
  • 8-13-54
  • 9-17-57
  • 2-21-59
  • 6-22-59
  • 6-14-62
  • 11-6-71


    Su sqr Mn
    Su qun Mn
    Sn con Me (3X)
    Su con Ma
    Su opp Sa
    Su qun Ne
    Su con Pl
    Su sqr Pl

    Mn opp Me
    Mn sqr Ma
    Mn con Ju
    Mn sqr Sa
    Mn con Ur (2X)
    Mn con Ne
    Mn sqr Pl

    Me con Ve
    Me sqr Ma
    Me sqr Ju (2X)
    Me SD sqr Sa
    Me sqr Pl

    Ve con Ma (2X)
    Ve opp Ma
    Ve sqr Ur (2X)
    Ve con Ne (2X)

    Ma opp Ju
    Ma sqr Sa (3X)
    Ma con Ur (2X)
    Ma qun Ur
    Ma sqr Ne
    Ma opp Ne
    Ma qun Pl

    Ju opp Sa
    Ju sqr Pl
    Ju opp Pl

    Sa opp Ne

    Ur sqr Ne (2X)


    # of individs      w/ aspects to      of those      need
         7                 Sun               4            A (45%)
                                             2        Magnesium
         8                 Moon              5           B-2 (55%)
                                             4        Potassium (45%)
         8                Mercury            4           B-1 (45%)
         5                 Venus             3           B-3
                                             4            E (45%)
         9                 Mars              3           B-12
                                             2          Sodium
                                             2        Phosphorus
                                             2         Chlorine
                                             3        Fatty Acids
         5                Jupiter            3           B-6
                                             3          Zinc
                                             4          B-15 (45%)
                                             1         Lecthin
         7                Saturn             4            C (45%)
                                             1         Calcium
         7               Neptune             4           B-5 (45%)
         6                Pluto              3           B-13
    =============================================================== Neptune relates to alcoholism, let's check it's aspects: 1 had Neptune conj Venus 1 had Neptune conj Venus, sqr Mars another had Neptune conj Moon, opp Mars 2 had Nep square to Uranus 1 with Nep qnx to Sun another Nep opp Saturn

    Those with aspects between Moon, Mars & Neptune: 3. They wrote the least, gave the least info, & answered the least amount of questions (In otherwords, 'I'm afraid to put myself out there'.).

    Of the 5 with hard aspects to Jupiter, 4 of these, based upon their symptons needed B-15. B-15 (Pangamic acid) is useful for those w/ asthma and helps red blood cells carry oxygen move effectively through the body (hypoxia). It also cuts cholesterol, stimulates the endocrine system, soothes the nervous system, alleviates the early stages of cirrhosis/hepatitis and helps many to lose the craving for liquor.

    Lastly, the participants were consistently found to have hard aspects of the Moon (10), Mercury (10), & Mars (16). Nervousness, anxiety, fear of tomorrow, paranoia. Difficulty in establishing/implementing healthy forms of motivation/discipline. Based on vit/mineral deficiencies and their subsequent physio/neuro/emotional affects, the primary motivating force for the majority of individuals participating in this survey was the need to feel safe. Throughout any given day, nearly all words & actions were spent checking & rechecking the "sure-ity" of the people & situations in their immediate environment.

    All in all, a powerful experience. And while individuals with these aspects don't necessarily become alcoholics, we found alcoholics do have some combination of the aforementioned aspects. For more info regarding Astrology and Nutrition see: The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman.


    This was a statistical project undertaken in 1990 for a college course in sociology/human behavior. The test was to QUANTIFY music's effect on the listener. Such tests of many different kinds have been done over the yrs; ie, Makeig (1981) and Smith's SRSI (2001).

    While rec' a massage, one group (5 males 1 female) would hear music, another group (4 males 2 females) would not hear music. Age range for both groups was 25-35.
    At the conclusion of said massage, I requested their advice, "In order to improve our business we're asking a few of our clients to fillout a short questionnaire". The test contained some personal questions, some optional, and direct questions re: the before and after affects of the massage. The were no questions re: music or lack thereof.

    Recorded on 1 hour cassette, the music was synthesized and acoustic piano; no rhythm, composed/performed by author. Based on personal research; incorporating Jungian archetypes; current (1990) position of Jupiter in Cancer.

    Each client was to undergo a 1(one) hour massage on standard height massage-table. From back to feet; then feet to chest and face. There were two massage rooms, each with a speaker connected to the stereo cassette player in the main lobby. By adjusting the balance knob I controlled the volume (on/off) in the room where the project was taking place. I arbitrarily chose whether a client was to hear music or otherwise.

    RESULTS: Those that heard music answered more questions.

                                   WITH MUSIC       W/OUT MUSIC
                Name (opt)             6               3
              1Address                 6               4
                Phone (opt)            4               1
              2Birth date              6               5
                  male                 5               3
                  female               1               2
              4Income                  6               2
              5Married                 2               4
               Single                  4               2
                  Child                1               2
              6Rent                    2               3
               Own                     4               2
    Out of 6 possible questions       100%            75%
    Including the 2 optional questions 96%            65%

    DISCUSSION/Personal Comments: My hope was that MUSIC clients would be more open. Not receptive (Moon) or sharing (Venus) but relaxed, open, and trusting. Interesting that Jupiter denotes openness, trust, faith, philosophy, opportunity, luck. And all that heard music answered "income" question.

    MUSICAL ASTROLOGY (or Music of the Spheres)


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    PATTERNS............else known as the APPENDIX

    In addition to tone/octave/chakra one can continue this line of thought by correlating the 12 meridians of Eastern medicine to the Zodiac and the 7 planets thus:
    Included is the starting point location and whether yin - or yang + Read left to right
    	Chest			Hand			  Head		        Toe
    	Heart- Leo+		Small Int.+ Virgo-	  Bladder+ Libra+	  Kidney- Scorpio-
    	Cir/sex/peri Sag	Triple Warmer Capri	  Gallbladder Aqua	  Liver Pisces
    	Lung Aries		Large Int. Taurus	  Stomach Gemini	  Spl/Pan Cancer
    Heart- sun Small Int.+ merc Bladder+ venus Kidney- mars Cir/sex/peri jup Triple W. saturn Gallbladder satu Liver jupiter Lung mars Large Int. venus Stomach merc Spl/Pan moon
    The pattern is identical for all elements in each column; note: yang organ to pos sign and yin organ to neg sign is found HEAD to TOE. Also, classic listing of meridians follows/gives uninterrupted circle of Zodiac. When 7 planets inserted in classic designation/formation a broader perspective is achieved. E.g., Jupiter/Pisces is as always assigned to liver; the large int. usually w/ Pluto/Scorpio is there in Taurus but that works by reflection. Then there's stomach w/ Mercury/Gemini thus: a nervous stomach. But most interesting is the assignment of the spleen/pancreas w/ the Moon - the organ of sugar processing and manufacture of insulin w/ the planet of mother and nurturance; huh, interesting. Is that why we give kids candy, to feed their craving, why people drink?


    TEXT #4 from IRAQ 46 (1984), pp 71-2 & IRAQ 30 (1968), pp 229-33
    	str 5	5-2		str 6	6-3		str 7	7-4		str 1	1-5
    		2-7			1-3			2-4			3-5
    		2-4			3-5			6-4			5-7
    		2-6			3-7			1-4			5-2
    	str2	2-6		str3	3-7		str 4	1-4		str 5
    		1-6			5-7			1-6
    		4-6			2-7			1-3
    		6-3			7-4			1-5
    ALL 14 INTERVALS FROM FIRST 5 STRINGS! ; not all that fantastic, EXCEPT TAKING INTO ACCCOUNT TEXT #6, line 16b
    1-3		2-4		3-5		4-6		5-7
    1-4		2-5		3-6		4-7
    1-5		2-6		3-7
    1-6		2-7
    Look what happens when listed thus: 1234567 in columns & planetary order
    SATURN	  6-3	           6-4
    JUPITER  7-4	           7-5
    MARS 	  1-5	           1-6
    SUN   	  2-6	           2-7
    VENUS	  3-7	           3-1
    MERCURY  4-1	           4-2
    MOON	  5-2	           5-3
    In the following,
    cancel the 5's of 2-5 & 1-5, cancel the 4's of 1-4 & 7-4, cancel out the 1's; 
    leaving interval of 2-7. Do that for all the combos of 5ths & 4ths.
    5ths	2-5		1-4		7-3		2-6
    	1-5		7-4		6-3		2-5
    		2-7		1-6		7-5			 1-3  is left 
    						     after all else is matched-up, canceled-out;
    4ths	2-5		1-4		7-3		2-6		thrown together.
    	2-6		1-5		7-4		3-6	   "to throw-in one's lot"
    		4-6		3-5		2-4		      See IRAQ 46, pg 69
    When we lay the tones/planets in alpha-betical order, this leaves the Sun/D in a somewhat unique position:
    A           B           C          D         E           F           G
    Moon     Mercury      Venus       Sun       Mars      Jupiter      Saturn
    Each tone-octave/planet can be match to an opposite; e.g., Venus/Mars. The Sun is the center of all this circling, the pivot point; an exalted position(?). Ray (Re) =Ra

    Matching consecutive tones D/F, E/G, F/A, etc, each tone has trine (3rd) & square (-3rd). Except: D has no trines, but two squares (-3rds); i.e., D/F & B/D; F: no 4th & B: no 5th

    9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1
    D          E          F          G          A          B          C          D          E
    Days of the Week    Jupiter    Saturn      Moon     Mercury     Venus       Sun        Mars
    Line-up by tone:      Th         Sa        Mon        Wed        Fri        Sun         Tu
    Line-up by day:      Sun        Mon         Tu        Wed         Th        Fri        Sa
    		         D          A          E          B          F          C          G
    		         2          5          1          4          7          3          6
    CONCLUSION: Either way, Wednesday, the "B" tone falls to the middle???? (Pfeifer). Also, F/E spells Fe; ie, feline. C/A spells Ca or Ka: the soul, and G/D spells Gd; ie, God.