Welcome to my Guestbook!

Tricia Briscoe - 07/24/00 02:33:09

The angel is the best!

- 07/19/00 00:02:23

Hi Ella, Just curious about your other work after seeing your wolf/coyote in the show. Very nice!! Hope to see you in August at the meeting if we are back from vacation by then. Cathy Dudley

linda spencer - 04/29/00 20:07:44
My URL:http://www.spencerarts.com
My Email:linda@spencerarts.com

I sure love your art. Its wonderful getting a chance to see you at work with the torch in your hand. Its good you work outside. I'm doing that lately too. linda

Karen Kinstle - 04/18/00 14:52:44
My Email:kajobaki@aol.com

I have the biggest grin on my face! I am impressed, amazed, inspired, overjoyed to see this body of work!

Jer Jarrett - 03/14/00 02:52:24
My Email:jerjarrett@home.com

Hi Ella: Your art is great and a true asset to LGAA. JEr

Bliss Dodd - 01/20/00 00:43:51

The angel is fantastic!! I'm so impressed!

Texas Bliss - 07/14/99 02:32:30

Just checking in to see if there was anything I was missing. Let me know when the gallery changes. (No green line across your face now!!)

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/20/99 23:38:39

Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.

Texas Bliss - 02/27/99 02:16:08
My Email:BDodd829@aol.com

Marc's here and we're both so impressed! And the black metal shows with a green sheen--great for my family info. collection. Someday a great-great-great grandchild will brag about being related to you! I'm proud.

Linda Spencer - 02/19/99 04:14:25
My URL:http://www.spencerarts.com
My Email:linda@spencerarts.com

Great page Ella, you look like you're really enjoying yourself. Linda

Jolene Anderson - 02/14/99 21:33:17
My Email:jolenedave@earthlink.net

Hi Ella Love you sight and your work. see you around., Jolene

Crystal Fisher - 12/23/98 21:31:56
My Email:jkcfisher@mindscape


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