Chapter 18
In Summary...
Chapter 18 opens with John throwing up after "eating civilization". His name is no longer John, he is now known strictly as the savage due to the fact that he has purified himself as his reservation peers had; by drinking mustard with warm water. This purification comes about because of his feelings of guilt.
The savage feels as if he can no longer live in this Utopia of hypocrisy and as an act of repentance, he escapes to an island be in solitude where he is whipped severly by his own hand. The main cause of his agony is the strong sexual desire he has been experiencing for Lenina.
One would think that at this point John is faced with making a decision between two choices


(adv.) full of concern or fear
(n.)harmonious agreement or union
(adj.) lacking in interest and life
(adj.) given to examination or investigation
(adv.) in capable of being eradicated (removed)
(n.) inherent baseness; a base act
(n.) dead, rotting flesh
(adj.) Of every great size, force, or extent:immense
(adj.) upsetting, discomposing
(n.) a small bone at the end of the spinal column


"Thats how the Indians always purify themselves-by drinking mustard and warm water."

" He held his hands in voluntary crucifixion while he repeated through clenched teeth, the sweat, meanwhile pouring doen his face, 'Oh forgive me! Oh make me pure! Oh, help me to be good!'"

"Evil's an unreality if you take a couple of grammes."

"Pain is a delusion"

"Why had she been allowed to become gradually less than human and at last..He shuddered. A good kissing carrion." (261)

"'The whip.', answered a hundred voices confusedly. 'Do the whipping stunt. Let's see the whipping stunt.'" (264)

"'Fry, lechery, fry!' Frenzied, the Savage slashed again." (265)

"'Oh the flesh!' The Savage ground his teeth. This time it was on his shoulders that the whip descended. 'Kill it, kill it!'" (265)

"'Did you eat something that didn't agree with you?', asked Bernard.
The Savage nodded. 'I ate civilization.'" (248)

"'Savage!' Called the first arrivals...'Mr. Savage!'
There was no answer. (266)