
Me in the shirt that started it all!!

Yes. I love you, too.


Personal Information

I won't be stupid, and describe myself to you, when there are pictures of me above. And most of my 'personal information' is personal. I wanted you to know it, you would. As far as other things go, I'm tolerant of all kinds of music, although there are some types that cannot be listened to for more than a half hour before I smash a brick into someone's head. I play guitar and paint and sketch and write. Lately I've been creating this page. Don't ask me to tell you if I am a goth, or a punk, or a skater, or a rapper. I don't like labels, I think labels give you a distorted, often wrong, view of a person. So, in reply to all of you who so desperately seek to find some label for me, I created my own label. I am a Fruit. All you have to have to be to be a Fruit is have a wacked out sense of humor and a child-like personality. You have to be Cute, which is, by the way, a synonym for Fruit. And, damn, am I cute!
Someday soon, I will think of more to include, and if you have any suggestions or questions, you can e-mail me at: