China '98 - Page 1

In October 1998, my friends Dave, Rob and Kayee and I spent a fortnight in China travelling between Beijing and Hong Kong. Our itinerary took in major cities, famous landmarks and centuries of history. Several thousand miles and three hundred photographs later, we arrived back in England with the good intention of putting together a website to document the trip.

Our website is still in gestation, but you can track its growth at It's being looked after by Dave. Rob has also put some pictures on-line at One of these days, we'll get round to combining them!

In the meantime, some of my photos are shown here.

Dragon boat soldiers

Our first whole day in China was spent at the Summer Palace, a vast landscaped retreat for the Emporer in the hot, smelly summer months in Beijing. As well as palaces and temples, there is a huge lake complete with islands, bridges and dragon boat rides. This photo is of a group of soldiers seen on one of the boats.

Dragon boat soldiers
Stone carving

The Summer Palace was our first experience of the grand and beautiful Imperial Chinese architecture. Many buildings had ornate wood and stone carvings; this one formed part of a banister beside stairs upto the 'Temple of the Fragrance of Buddha'.

Stone Carving
Exhausted on the Great Wall

Day two of the trip was spent at a section of the Great Wall near Beijing, at a place called Badaling. I was amazed at how the Wall just went up and down the steep hills, with gradients in places that must have been 2-in-1. This picture looks down one ascent, showing an exhausted Kayee!

Exhausted on the Great Wall
Great Wall in the distance

Each tower we climbed to on the Wall afforded new views, showing the Wall stretching off in seemingly all directions. This view shows how typically the builders of the Great Wall went right over the top of steep sections, rather than following the contours.

Great Wall in the distance
The Great Wall at Badaling

It was quite early morning when we visited the Wall, and the low sun made the hills and valleys beatifully modelled for photography. The town of Badaling is visible in the valley of this picture, nestled amongst the surrounding hills which seemed to us a defence in themselves.

The Great Wall at Badaling

Continue to Page 2 for more pictures taken in China...

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Last modified on 16th July 1999