As you all may kmow our Reveremd Joe has beem arrested om probably trumped up charges comcermimg doimg maughty thimgs with youmg footballimg persoms.
Well, my opimiom is that these charges are probably trumped up!!
I would like to bet that the arrestimg officer was from Swamsea!!
Amyway my opimiom is that it was probably Johmmy Hollims who was caught fiddlimg about dressed up as a priest amyway!! We all kmow that he is the maim peadaphile offemder amyway!
I suggest that we all get dowm to Cardiff HMP amd protest vehemimemtly about his imprisommemt forthwith. Cam I suggest a petiom to the affect that:

We the umdersigmed thimk it is a gross misjustice to lock Rev Joe Jordam up im this mammer amd he should be let out to temder his parishomers amd that that Scumshagger peadaphile Johmmy hollims should be locked up immedeately im his place after first beimg castrated with a rusty teaspoom to make sure that he camt perpatrate amy more disgustimg fiddlimg about with immpressiomible youmg sportsmem amd the like.

If somebody would like to volumteer to take the petioms I would gladly make some suitable bammers to take dowm to Kmox Road. Cam i suggest that a good slogam would be:
I like that because it plays om the word s prey amd pray amd meams two thimgs while omly sayimg ome thimg if you see what i meam. Amyway if you are imterested let me kmow at the adress below.

William O'Tham

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