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The Mindlight Zone

Music for Waiting



Welcome to the Zone's Front Page. Listen to some nice music while you're here.

The music is user friendly. I have coded it so you can "click on" the music yourself, rather than having it automatically start and blast you at work or from wherever you visit.


While visiting old cemetaries in Vermont last weekend, a solution for a problem that has plagued the bereaved in America for many decades if not for a couple of centuries came to us. The problem, as we see it and as others have told us, is that in our mobile society especially in this new millenium, how can we keep our loved ones' memory alive?

Back in the good ol' days, one's family generally stayed rather close to each other both physically and emotionally...when someone went to their "Eternal Rest" they were usually interred in a family cemetary, sometimes right there on the farm where generations of descendants could pay their respects and remember the value possessed by the dearly departed.

However, now that most families are spread out all over the country and in many cases all over the world, no one is around to honor their ancestors. Most people are not able to take a trip from say the East Coast to the Midwest just to pay their respects on a deceased loved one's birthday or holiday. Additionally, most families are deprived of the spritual presence of the dearly departed during major holidays like Christmas, Hannukah, Passover, Easter, Mother's Day, etc. Also, sometimes when a loved one has passed on before they have been able to accomplish all of their individual goals there's usually a sense of incompletion...not only for the deceased but also for their families.

WELL, THAT'S NOW NO LONGER A PROBLEM. I have invented an awesome solution.

In the very near future, we will be offering Eternalware-- accompanied by an individually designed, handcrafted memorial cover. The Eternalware container will hold the contents of an entire cremated human being. Also, the cover of the container can be removed easily and other cremated remains may be added to a single Eternalware unit. At the time one would place their order for the Eternalware unit they would also be able to request specific designs accompanied by photos and other memorabilia which we would then incorporate into the handcrafted papier mache cover. Also, a complete line of holiday theme covers will be available. Let Great-Grandpa be part of the celebration by resting on the dinner table as a grand centerpiece covered by the appropriate holiday container. So now, not only can Great-Grandpa be PRESENT during holiday parties but he will also be appropriate for travel. When you travel to Europe or Mexico or any other exotic locale you know he wanted to visit before he died, you CAN take him with you in his convenient, Eternalware travel container.

BEFORE WE START PRODUCTION however, we would like to know how many of you would be interested in such a product. Please email us at the below email link and let us know. REMEMBER, now you CAN take it with you.

The Mind Poetry
Me and Charlie Recovery
Photo Album Shopping
Front Page The Zone

One of my poems, "Illusory Invitation", just won the "Poetry Cafe Pick of the Month" for October. You can read it either under "carpe diem" poems in my poetry section or visit the Poetry Cafe.

The Official SoHo Ring Next Site This Official SoHo Ring site owned by Lynne Payne.
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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

[DOVE] This Dove of Peace flies around the world in hopes that true peace will follow. Please take it with you and use on your own webpages and pass it on so it can continue to fly around the world.

Acknowledgements I want to give credit to""for the FREE careware download which greatly helped me build a lot of my pages. Another helpful site for HTML coding is NCSA. I also appreciateJeffrey Glover for his "from sucky to savvy" page for user friendly hints.

  • A lot of the photos in the photo album were scanned by Matt and Tom at the Office Max in Manchester, CT.
  • Graphics were pulled from Barry's ClipArt site;
    Barry's Clip Art Server
  • the IconBazaar;
  • ClipArt Connection; and
  • ImageCatcher

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