Welcome to my Guestbook!

10/18/00 15:10:26
Name: Margieanne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Florida, U.S.A.

Great shots of Ohio home, friends, and so forth. I enjoyed it. What is a Jew Methodist???? Why are you an athiest?

06/27/00 02:24:26
Name: blondie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Texas

Well we will see what is held within. Thanks for inviting me!

06/24/00 14:07:42
Name: MEİ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: TOP SECRET

Hi Evil, how's it going ? Well, just wanted to say something before you go back to Mushroom Land. Well... All the people who signed your book are only ONE person : ME . Yes, I just changed my name each time. Don't be sad. I know someday a real guest will visit your page. I mean besides you and me. Well, I guess I lost enough of my precious time here o I will close now. Bye Jabroni. See ya in Hell. PEACE AND LOVE

06/24/00 13:26:31
Name: Evil Paradise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Here

Hey Its me again and I just wanted to say thanks to all you wonderfull folks who visited my homepage.


06/24/00 13:11:57
Name: Antje
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: Germany

Hi Jogi.Ich schreibe hier jetzt auch auf Deutsch, so kann das wenigstens nicht jeder lesen.Deine seite ist echt lustig, aber ich bestehe auch auf die Deutsche Version, sonst verstehe ich ja nur die Hälfte....wir sehen uns in Deuschland

06/24/00 13:00:48
Name: marbelz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: canada

really great!

06/21/00 21:28:01
Name: babyDee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Austrailia


06/21/00 19:38:21
Name: cody
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: scio oregon

hey hows it going

06/21/00 10:39:32
Name: ^^BuNcH^^
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: TURKEY


06/20/00 19:47:40
Name: MEİ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: TOP SECRET

Hi Jabroni ! Just wanted to say that you forgot to send me my money this week, so I won't write any nice things about your page this time. C ya next week. MEİ

06/20/00 16:54:21
Name: BEAR My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: NJ

It your turn, go ahead and kick my *&*^* again....

06/19/00 22:10:11
Name: annie
My URL: Visit Me

hei, deine page ist ja echt lustig, mal von dem traurigen ohio fakt abgesehen :-) well, ansonsten kann ich da doch schon einige parallelen ziehen. und mensch, surprise, dein englisch ist ja echt wahnsinn, von einigen tippfehlern mal abgesehen...

06/19/00 17:14:37
Name: apples
Where are you from: Western Australia

A very good job of a website! It sounds like you've got lots of interesting things to put on this site from your experience in Ohio, I'll keep an eye out for updates. Andrew.

06/16/00 21:37:36
Name: ActionMan
My Email: Email Me
Where are you from: Amsterdam, Holland

Your page looks very nice, interesting story about Evil Paradise Evil Paradise greetz JP "ActionMan" Nevé

06/16/00 21:36:34
Name: ActionMan
My Email: Email Me


06/16/00 21:07:30
Name: Freebird My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Ohio

Good luck to you when you return home. Once you return home please update your page with things from Germany. This is a great web site great job!

06/15/00 21:05:31
Name: BabyJane72
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: germany

ich reden deutsch,denn ich will mir nicht die Zungebrechen,hab schon Mühe mit dem lernen gehabt

06/15/00 17:51:46
Name: Schatz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: good old germany


06/13/00 03:55:07
Name: Adam 12's mom :0) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Byron, Georgia, USA

I love your web page! Keep up the good work!! Look forward to chatting with you soon!!! :0)

06/13/00 02:53:39
Name: Bev My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: North Carolina

Hi it is me

06/12/00 16:45:31
Name: little devil
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: hell

i got here from you, i follow your every move

06/12/00 14:41:17
Name: MEİ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: TOP SECRET

Hi Johannes. It's MEİ again. Well....Im bored right now so I thought I would sign your guestbook. Your Webpage is really cool. It's the best webpage I have ever seen in my whole life. It is very interesting. I talked about it to all my friends and they lo ed it too....blah blah blah... P.S. MESSAGE FOR THE NEXT GUESTS : Im just lying but that makes him so happy.... Poor Johannes :(

06/12/00 01:47:36
Name: stick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: sweet home alabama

hey it is me KRW11

06/11/00 06:12:24
Name: edomurga My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: chile

put some links with the thing you like i can help you if you want

06/11/00 05:36:37
Name: ThePerfectDrug My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Tennessee

I LOVE YOU EVIL !!!!! Kiss Kiss Love,Denise

06/11/00 04:43:03
Name: Adam12 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Ga,USA

Good job evil. When the site gets finished it will be a great site.Have fun your last month.And good luck on the site.....,A friend,Adam12

06/10/00 23:46:20
Name: musical tune
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: Puerto Rico

Its a cool page. Its also crazy and funny. Its great, good job Evil Paradise. I wish you the best and i hope to see more of your stuff in the future. Take care. MS

06/10/00 13:50:44
Name: MEİ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: TOP SECRET

Hi. It's ME again. I've found something to say ....well, it's a question : What's the phone number of this girl with the red and white shirt ? If you give it to me, I promise I will write nice things about your page in my next message ;-) heheheheheheh hehehehe

06/09/00 21:51:41
Name: jkw (at IYT) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: PA

The first time I looked at your page I KNOW that I saw a link to your animated pictures. Now I've gone through each page about 3 times and can't find it again. Please foreward it to my email? This is one of the few sites about someone that I've found int resting. The only problem is that your page about your German School I was unable to switch over to English. Did I do something wrong or is it just to early? Keep up the good work.

06/09/00 21:36:30
Name: BBjohn
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from: Pennsylvania/IYT

How did you wind up in Fayetteville? I live in a small town also. We have people from all over that come here to live and ask everyone the same question. Oddly enough they answer" "I stoppd at the traffic light and the next thing I knew I was moving in" ( OL but true!)

06/08/00 20:01:39
Name: MEİ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: TOP SECRET


06/08/00 17:21:31
Name: Evil Paradise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: HELL


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