
last updated 10 October

If you want to paste my stuff all over the web, them let me know by clicking on the fairy below

A Quick note.. Its been Years since the starting of this homepage.. Im here to tell you that Im out to revamp- thats my aim. So e-mail me and lemme know so you can b informed when I prepare you for a new broad perspective.

Below are links to pages containing my sketches. I have arranged them now so that you can select which page you want to go to. Below are the pages and what they contain.

Each button is pretty self explanatory, they are usually people I have drawn from a band I like, except for Rumble fish which is of various pictures.

If your interested in seeing how I draw, step by step, then go to HERE

If your interested in seeing portraits of me, drawn by other people, then go to HERE

Korn LimpBizkit Orgy Brianmolko Rumblefish Dragonbutton Buffybutton NUDES

Current Projects

  • The last portrait of Jonathan Davis, for a long time.
  • A portrait of none other than Dime bag darrell.


  • I have recently had requests for Zim Zum, more Brian Welch and more Jon Davis. I find the more Jon davis bit rather amusing since theres way over a page full of him here, LOL.

    The portrait of Jonathan I am currently doing comes from the inside the cover of follow the leader, where his tied up and silver tongued. Be happy with it, because its the last one in a long time, as you can see I feel like I have descriminated against the rest of KoRn somehow by not drawing enough of the others, and I have exspanded my section now, I also need more limp Bizkit. Still no complaints, I'd luv to do Zimmy cause he's a hun and KoRn works its way around my head possibly 24hrs a day. So after these works are finished then I will start the requests.

    If you got here somehow without frames then go thru HERE

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    Copyright 1999-2004 B. Nissen