
Hello, I am Richard. I am a freelance writer, translator, and designer of graphics and websites. This is my website, where you can see published examples of my work. If you would like to contact me, there are also contacts. I consider all propositions. I'm also fluent in Russian, which might come in handy, should you need someone to design a website on freelance writing in Russian. You will find that I specialise in alternative music journalism and Russian culture of the 1920s. Have a look around, and see what there is to see.




Website online
Posted 03/02/2007

I am very pleased to announce that my online portfolio is online. Long may this continue.

Most Recent


Album Review: !!! - Myth Takes (Warp Records, 05/03/2007)
Published @ Neu! Magazine, xx/xx/xxxx
!!! - Myth Takes

The annual winners of both most-hyphenated-band-description-ever and hardest-band-to-Google awards will never be a singles band. !!!, fortunately, know what they have got. They’re still the tightly-knit-post-disco-funk-punk-tour-de-force that they’ve been known to become, and Myth Takes does nothing to shake that up...

Album Review: LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver (DFA, 19/03/2007)
Published @ Neu! Magazine, xx/xx/xxxx

Don’t talk to James Murphy about maturity. The purveyor of the first cowbell revival of the 21st century has seen it all before. Here, Mr. DFA builds on the success of debut smash ‘LCD Soundsystem’ and relative acclaim of Nike-sponsored jog soundtrack 45:33 to bring in something equal in warm calculation as it is to dance-friendly smiles on your face...

Live Review: Hadouken! @ Sheffield Casbah, 19/01/2007
Published @ Neu! Magazine, xx/xx/xxxx

Life isn’t all grit and soggy chips. And you’d better remember this when Hadouken! roll into your village. Their dirty alchemy, blending grime and metal, will slap a day-glo smile on your face whether you like it or not. Plus point: beneath all the fun and fashionable disco hi-hattery, Hadouken! sound a bit like a rave...

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I am officially for hire! If you see something on this site that you like, and would like me to do something similar for you, get in touch and we can work something out.

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