
about unfortunate people have visited here.

I've decided to make this a real index page so I'd hate myself a little less, but it's still terrible. I should point out that the plan failed and I hate myself the same.

One Hundred Years on the Web!

That's right: I'm one of the few people claiming I've been on the this fascinating World Wide Web for one hundred years. I, alone, offer you a brief history of the Web's last 100 years.

About These Pages
It occured to me I needed an "About" section, so I took a flailing stab at making one. Even though I failed horribly, I still wound up with a whole new page.

I dashed these off for my X desktop and decided to put them here so I could have something for people to look at.

Here lies all the miscellaneous jibber-jabber with which I once cluttered this page. No one could possibly want to read it but I had not the heart to throw it away.

Ok, GeoCities is now giving homesteaders an immense amount of disk space, so now I have only my own laziness to blame for having only one item. If I get the time or the desire I'll add more, but I promise nothing.

Be sure to check this if you plan to ask me a question. As with all FAQs, the answer may be here.

These fractals occupy most of my disk space, so I'm hoping someone will look at them (they have not been that popular so far). After looking at them objectively, I see that they are not very good, but they're what I have.

See what people complain to me about.

I have a guestbook because I wanted to try out yet another GeoCities feature. Here you may view it.

I hope the title is self explanatory.

This is a collection of etexts I have gathered recently that I would like to share. Most of them are stories or authors I like. If you like one of the works on the page but have not read some of the others, it seems reasonable that you may enjoy reading them. This, of course, only applies to the people who read. The rest of you can go back to watching your soaps and talk shows.

Lesson 36
The title says it all.

Death to the Monkey Boy An exploration of monkeys in games. Warning: This section has several 320x240 screenshots, so it's likely to load slowly.

People Who Need Shooting
As the astute may infer from the cryptic name, I list those people who need shooting. Why should you read such tripe? I don't know; you're the one reading this garbage, not me.

The Maimed English Award
This is a modest award that goes to those sites --and we've all seen them-- that inspire thoughts like "didn't you bother to read this before you put it up? Can you read?"

Personal Profile
See the note for "Links"

Plasma Cloud Animation
I enjoy watching this animated gif: it soothes me. It's quite large (and, hence, slow loading). Someone told me I should make an mpeg out of it, but then I couldn't watch it "live," and everyone would have to download it and view it with some separate viewer instead of through Netscape as I'd intended it.

Tina is my adopted cyber-child. I got her so I could have someone to boss around, which is the current yuppie reason for having kids.

Add yours to the mighty list of comments or send me something (literary) to post on my page. I'll be gentle, but it should either be original (meaning yours) or in the public domain.

no no
I use Netscape (Communicator 4.7) to view this page and I do not care if any luser has trouble with AOL or IE. My advice to these people: get a real browser instead of that junk you are using now. Switch providers if you have to --any provider requiring the use of a poor browser like AOL or IE does not deserve any business; that is the spirit of free competition. I have begun, however, efforts to clean up my page for lynx users because lynx is the best browser of all.

addendum: Looking back at this is rather amusing. Now AOL owns netscape, and keeps it under wraps so it doesn't lose favor with microsoft (losing its place on the default windows desktop). Now they're all useless. It's also funny that, in the years since I wrote this, I'm still using netscape 4.7 because nothing else has come out of netscape (4.75 hardly counts since it was just a brown oriface fix, and 6.0 doesn't work so it's not in the running either).

Disclaimer Evoked by a Litigious Age

Except for some obvious exceptions on my links, download, and literary pages, everything here is mine and mine alone: I wrote it or "drew" it. This does not mean you can't take any of it (like I could stop you); it just means you shouldn't take credit for any of it. For example, I cannot take credit for the AOL no! image on this page. I would link you to my source, but that page is long gone. If you can claim it (verifiably), I'll give you credit. The "NO IE" gif, too, is not entirely original. The design came from an original that I got from the company and I made an edited version based on that one.

Oh, and these are my opinions and not those of my employer, this being a personal page, blah, blah, and basically if you are stupid enough to think otherwise then I have a higher regard for the gum that gets stuck in the soles of my shoes than I have for you. See my legal page for more details.

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Index * Links * Gripes * Downloads * "Words, words, words."