Where to start, where to start....
I guess I'll start with Sarah. She's my best friend, aka Mokey, aka Dear Prudence... I've known her for practically forever. I really don't know quite how she stands me, but hey, that's her problem, not mine! She's really really cool, tho. Check out her page, her writing's great! Check out her page and if U like what she's written, go ahead and mail her and tell her so! Sarah goes to Alfred University, land of snow, trees, and... um.... snow?? Well I'm sure I'll get up there to visit her one of these days... ;)
Laura is a wonderful person; I think I would not survive life without her... She has surpassed me completely in knowlege of HTML and just about everything else. If you visit my guestbook you can find out quite a bit more about her (like the fact that she loves to sign guestbooks!!). She and I have minds that think surprisingly alike, which is scary in itself. ;-) Lau's a senior now at ASJ, and I only wish I could be there to help her with College Apps, AP classes, etc... I miss you Laura!
Laura also runs a webpage at http://CabinX.OnTheWeb.Nu Ah! There's the cabin link! I forgot Laura had put it here. Laura, what would I do without you?
Next is Justin. He's in Maryland.... that's really far away. : ) But he's cool anyway. He's going to set up Linux on my computer one day... he has a webpage too. It's here. Justin really likes pokemon. : ) That's all I'll say for now.
Let's see, next is Sean.....I was in a few QJTT productions with him... :) Ah, the memories....
Sean - If you see this, write me. I miss your insanity. There's a link on the main page if you've lost my address, so I want to hear from you!
Let's see, I guess Ghent would be next. Another Beatles fan, and a Smashing Pumpkins fan,as you'll see at his page..He's a really cool guy, who seems to tend to get into some, ah, interesting, shall we say, mishaps! He's really cool to chat with, though, and one of the sweetest guys you could ever know. Visit his page. I haven't talked to him in SO long. Matt - if you're out there, write to me on JUNO. PLEASE! Thanx.
Daytripper hasn't been online in ages - he's having major Netscape problems, but if he ever does get back online he's a great guy too.
Everyone - I'm on JUNO! See the main page for details. SargonZ@juno.com. Until later, Beware of the Leopard! Luv ya all! -SargonZ
"The Universe is an insane place. What use does it have for Normalcy?" ---unknown
"Normalcy is Not for me!" -- Laura Anne Perpetua Boylan