Love is Weird

For the record, the background music is "Cool" from the musical West Side Story It is kinda about this kind of stuff. But the hidden meaning behind it all is because it is from a Broadway Musical and this whole thing leads back to Mr. Avery and his Cabaret style show. Let me begin to explain.

You see, when Waitin' On Al played for Mr. Avery and the Runaway show, I met AH. She is an incredible vocalist whom I think is a great person. Unfortunately, her heart lies with someone else of course. Now, I am doing another show for Avery, and once again, the lead female actress (MM) has in her own special way, captured my heart. This one is really scary though. I have only known her for one week, and already, I value her prescence in my life almost as much as VF's. It's really frightening. Especially since even though she just recently broke up with her boyfriend (of 1 and a half years) and this dude sounds like he doesn't want any one in the world screwing around even on just a dating level with his ex. The odd thing - the reason they broke up, he wants to be able to meet other women, and the same for her about guys to make sure that he is what she will want. Now - Do I try to ask her out??? I would really enjoy going out with her. Ironically enough, there is another person who I would like to go out with (VB), a person I have known for almost 3 years now. And then MM walks into my life and


she has me mesmorized. The other odd thing is that I spend all kinds of time with VB (the one I have known for some time) and I can't seem to bring myself to telling her how I feel. I'm sure part of it is related to the fact that she keeps on telling me that she likes all of these other people. It starts to hurt after a while.

I was once told that love is purely a game. I don't know about anyone else, but I have never been in pain after playing a good round of Monopoly. A friend of mine made the comment today (7/19) that the "perfect" girl is almost always out of your town. I added on that if they are in town, then for one reason or another they are "unattainable". They are either already going out with someone (who seemingly always treats them disrespectfully in one way or another) or are the kind who you just CAN'T tell. Like I said above, I am in both situations. But of course, should everything suddenly right itself, I still would be "S.O.L." What would I do then? I honestly think that at least at this very minute (2:25 a.m. 7/20/1997) I would elect to go out with MM. I think it is because of the fact that she reminds me so much of VF and since I know that is "perfect" for me, I think that MM would be too.

If you have anything you would like me to add, tell me. Mail me

Signing off...