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6/24/99 - The News & Gossip page is up now. The Drinking Calendar has been
brought more up to date.


6/17/99 - As you can see be the last entry on this page, it's been almost 2 years since
the last update to the site. That deplorable, and we apologize (yet again) for it. As you
can see now, we've began to update the site to a new look and feel. It will be an ongoing process. We want to fix what's wrong with the site first (old reviews, closed bars, address/phone changes), and then we'll concentrate on adding new reviews of bars and
bartenders. We really do appreciate all your patience during this time, and look forward 
to the new and improved LA Bartenders Monthly. Thanks again -
Marc C.


8/14/97 - We've made a commitment to begin adding more
bar reviews, and hopefully more bartender reviews. Our ideal
bartender review idea is to have pictures of the bartenders.
Admittedly, we're very lacking in this area. We hope to get
to changing that soon. For the time being, we've added
reviews for 12th Street & Baja Sharkeez.

8/7/97 - Okay, so the site has become a bit of a ghost town
lately. We sincerely apologize. Our schedules, especially mine,
have become extremely busy. We hope to begin adding content
to the site very soon. I do sympathize with you; there's few
things I dislike more than dormant sites. So, please bear with
us while we begin to make this site better. In the meantime,
we've added a review for Dublin's. Thanks -
Marc C.

4/29/97 - Thanks for your patience. We've been quite busy.
But some Bartender Reviews are finally up. We did 5 to fill the
Top 5 Bartenders section, as well as kicking off the overall
review section. We'll be adding more bartenders in the coming
weeks. Bartender of the Month will begin shortly, as well. Once
again, thanks for your patience.

3/6/97 - Choices for each night of the week is up. We like to
call it: The Drinking Calendar.

3/3/97 - New West L.A. review: Liquid Kitty. New New Orleans
review: Captain Lafitte's.

2/19/97 - New Orange County reviews: Sandpiper, Shark Club,
and the White House.

2/18/97 - New reviews: The Gem and Small's.

2/17/97 - New reviews: Rebecca's and McCormick & Schmick's.
Reviews have ratings now. New rant. Minor website formatting

2/13/97 - Updated reviews for New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

2/6/97 - New review: Lola's.

2/5/97 - New reviews: Three of Clubs, The Pink,
and the West End.

2/1/97 - Site posted. Everything is new. Many bar reviews up.