space space space

Lizard Licks...
A message to my fans

Welcome, welcome friends and fans. Mi casa es su casa. During your stay here you will have the opportunity for an indepth look at the inner workings of an Erotic Iguana. Sorry you came ??? Oh, p'shaw !!! You will laugh !!! You will cry !!! You will scratch your head in confusion !!! Yes, I have devoted myself to the challenge of forcing you to experience a small but satisfying gamut of emotions. In the end you will either love me or loathe me, but I'll say one thing--you will leave satisfied, and possibly with the nagging suspicion that you've just been..."had" ???

It is pretty unlikely that you just stumbled onto my site--more than likely you were curious to find out exactly what is an "Erotic Iguana"-- let me explain. I have a tattoo of an "Iguana" on an "Erotic" part of my body. I also have two "Golden Koi" (Japanese goldfish) that are part of an ongoing tattoo project right now. No, I'm not a biker-chick, but if you've got a Hog I'll ride !!!

So it's pretty clear that I am in to tattoo's. But why??? --you may ask. There are no words that could make someone understand, so just let me say this...For those of you who have them--no explaination is necessary; and for those of you who don't--no explaination is possible.

On to BIGGER and BETTER things. I am a BBW and a BHM admirer. (If you don't know what this stands for, your on the wrong page). I have been able to establish many e-mail buddies via the Internet and the BBW Network with people all over the world, and it has been great!!! I have also dared to meet a few in person, which hasn't been so great. Self-proclaimed "GREAT GUYS" with huge egos, small minds, and serious fears about encountering an intelligent woman. Why is it that people are so much nicer and sexier in the cyber-world ??? Ah well, I for one, have always believed it is better to be alone than to settle for less than what you really want just for the sake of being able to say your part of a "couple". Well, that's the story I tell anyway, and I'm sticking to it.

Uwanna Iguana ???

Yep, that's me. Many people have e-mailed asking if I am really a BBW, (I guess I don't look it in the picture). However, you can trust that I am, and I'm more than just a little proud to say that all BBW's don't feel like they have to go to Glamour Shots or show everything God gave them (you know who you are girl) to prove that they are beautiful women.

I have been told more than once that my homepage is "weird". I take that as the highest compliment. To me weird means not the usual, other than ordinary, something you won't see or encounter just anywhere. I love being thought of in this way !!!

Winter is over and I have to get busy tanning my new hide, so I've unpacked my Ray-Bans,my Coppertone, my blender and headed for the Gulf Coast sunny beaches--determined to be "The Queen of Somewhere Hot". I live in the Deeeep South of Alabama so if your a neighbor give me a holler, or if your interested in tattoo's, the power of positive thinking and the pursuit of enlightment within this earthly realm, or hell if you just want a pen-pal drop me an e-mail. Once again, NO PERVS !!! Bye ya'll.

Here are some of my favorite links, check 'em out

Tattoos Ezine KerbyCam
Conversations with GodPiercing Mildred
Lizards! Lizards! Lizards!BBW City
Lizards Hanging Out!School Sucks

you can e-mail me at

since December 10, 2003 people can say that they now know what an "Erotic Iguana" is

Iguana's are extremely agile, and fleet of foot. They escape most predators, but if cornered, they bite savagely !!!

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last, that which is, that which was, and that which is to come...the Almighty

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