My Friends

My Family My Friends Links Music Guestbook

Special People:

Liz....Luv ya Sis!! Thanx for always being there for me
Birch....**~~*~*MY KING*~*~~**   *KOTC*
Steve....Pest!! I miss yakkin to ya
Shelley....Congrats on the engagement!! You deserve every happiness life has to offer
Rein....They just don't come much sweeter or kinder than you
Carrie....You know I will never pass up a chance to remind you just how blonde you are
Genika....Beautiful inside and out
Tanabi....Where ya been hiding??
TT....The only thing better than a cowboy is a fireman...this fireman...MY fireman

These were taken in Saskatoon:

Me (L) and Genika (R)

(L-R) Chad-Dave-Me-Genika

These were taken in Edmonton
There are a lot so I will only show a few here. If you want to see the rest, follow the links

(L-R) Me-Gen-Zoya-Dream

This one was taken in Edmonton, but at a different party

I'm still not entirely sure why I was on stage with the band (yes, I was sober)

Steve (the pest)
He wasn't there for the Edmonton thing, but if he was, he woulda been up on stage with us

Here's the rest of the pics:

September 13th, 1997 Halloween 1997
a lovely blackmail quality pic of flea Babes!
Gen and Franco I am BATBITCH!!
Gen and waffer he bit her??
the whole group Gen's young'uns
waffer, Dream, flea and rack
Dream, waffer, zoya, rack and flea November 22nd, 1997
me, zoya, waffer and Dream  EVERYONE!!!!
lonewolf, zoya and Silversun on stage!!!!
Molsen and Must@ng my bestest friends
proof we survived the night before Party at Gen's!!
more proof we survived group of old farts
powerade and Lonewolf Happy Birthday Gen
rack Burgandy and Ratti
me, waffer and Gen dancing cueball, stephie and timmykins
people passing out Ratti, Dream, Tan, CG and Shelly
small group shot stephie and Gen
tribble and ladies awwww.......aint' they cute!!!!
flea and gang Men in Black wanna be's
Gen and waffer again My favorite pic from that weekend
waffer with name tag stuck to forehead the old farts....and me
drunk people the pic that MIGHT need explaining
REALLY cool pic!!!!
flea and hort
more drunk people
Gen and waffer again
and more drunk people
