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Welcome to my "gadgets" page. This page is where I stick my Flash creations that aren't cartoons or animations. Body Fat CalculatorSince I've been into fitness and bodybuilding, I keep track of my body fat percentage. I have some calipers that I use and I also found a method published by the YMCA that takes your waist measurement and weight and estimates the percentage based on a formula (separate formulas for men and women). I created a body fat estimator in Flash that I use. This calculator comes up with numbers that are close to those from the calipers, so if you don't have calipers the calculator provides a reasonable estimate.
Where do you fall in the body fat percentage scale? These categories are published by the American Council on Excercise. If you're not happy with where you are... start excercising and following a sensible diet! (Hey, I know how hard that is... !)