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Welcome to my photo gallery! Photography is one of my hobbies. I use a Canon Digital Rebel 6.3 megapixel camera to take shots of just about anything. In August this year my family and I went to the Northern coast of California. I took a lot of shots with the Canon and we are very happy with the quality of the pictures. Here are some of my better shots from California as well as photos I've taken here at home in Colorado.

Photos from our trip to California - August, 2004

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California coast North of Ft. Bragg.
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California coast North of Ft. Bragg.
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California coast North of Ft. Bragg.
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California coast just North of Encino.
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The beach at Ft. Bragg in the evening before sunset.
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The beach North of Ft. Bragg.
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A seagull sitting on a post on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco.
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A seagull on the beach North of Ft. Bragg.
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Sea lions on a dock at Fisherman's Warf in San Francisco.
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Seals on rocks near the beach North of Ft. Bragg.
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Sunset at Glass Beach in Ft. Bragg.
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Another shot of the sunset at Glass Beach.
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I caught this bee pollenating a thistle at a State Park North of Ft. Bragg.
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This squirrel was pretty tame and accepted a pretzel from us.
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This starfish was on a rock on the beach accross the road from our hotel in Ft. Bragg.

Miscellaneous Photos from Colorado

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This Robin was sitting in a Locus tree in my back yard.
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A while back we had some bees take up residence in our recycling container. A large swarm of them gathered inside. We opened up the lid and I took this photo. (No we didn't get stung... the bees didn't seem bothered by our presence!)
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This is a view of Mt. Meeker, Longs Peak, and the Twin Sisters viewed looking accross Macintosh Lake here in Longmont. More of the mountains of the Front Range are on the left.
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A shot of Mt. Meeker through the trees of the Twin Peaks Golf Course near my house.
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Mt. Meeker with Longs Peak peaking around from behind.
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Mt. Meeker, Longs Peak, and the Twin Sisters viewed from the golf course.
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This was a sight to see. The sun was coming up at the same time as the moon was setting. Mt Meeker was bathed in orange brilliance for a few minutes as the sun poked up above the Eastern horizon. The effect only lasts for 10 minutes or so.
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A closeup of the moon setting behind the Twin Sisters. This was taken a few minutes after the photo above. Notice that the moon has dropped down closer to the mountains, and that the rising sun is now illuminating the tops of the Twin Sisters peaks which are lower than Mt. Meeker.
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Stereo 3-D photo of trees on the St. Vrain river here in Longmont. This image requires 3-D glasses to see the effect (left lens red, right lens blue). I created this image by taking two pictures separated by 2.5 inches. I brought them both into Photoshop Elements and converted them to grayscale. The left image I made red, the right image I made blue-green, then I added them together.
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After a big snow in March I took this shot of snow-covered trees with the sun behind them. The sky was cloudy so the sun shows through as a fuzzy orange blaze.
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Another shot of snow-covered trees from the same storm.
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This is a shot of a Poplar tree on the golf course near my house in January when it had no leaves. I think the white of the tree against the deep blue Colorado sky is a nice effect. Note also that the sky is a deep blue at the top, and gets lighter as you go down.

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