I have felt His hands on my body in tenderness,
But also delivering sweet pain as I submit to dark wishes,
~ His needs of domination ~

I have felt His kiss upon my body like thunder raging in my soul,
Like the body rush of raw primal sex visited real time,
Witnessed by no one before me.

I have felt His hand on a raw heart ,
As He sucks my life’s breath in a kiss,
Reviving to my soul as I survive the bliss,

I have felt his eyes upon me,
Taking me violently and completely,
Raping my senses blind with passion that burns my skin.

I have felt His love like thick drops of honey in my mouth,
Like the finest of wine,
I would drink it from a goblet and Never be full,
~ Never be full ~

I have felt His blunt weapon,
A dark invasion into the depths of my body penetrating
Against trembling soft flesh and wanton lust,
Delivering His sweet reward to my dripping need.

I have felt His Love in ways that transcend my understanding .
I do not run from such,
Make no mistake,
I embrace the gift.
~ I am His ~
