Simple remedies
Gastric problems : Blend about half a kilo (17.6 oz )of potatoes.Extract the juice.Mix this with one teaspoon of honey. This should be taken for six consecutive nights just before retiring.
Stomach upsets : Crush a piece of ginger about the size of your tumb.Pour boiling water.Allow it to stand for 15 minutes.Add a teaspoon of honey.Sip slowly.This remedy settles an upset syomach and releases gas.
Cough : Crush a handful of garlic.Put it in to a container. Pour in about 400g (11.3 oz )
of honey.Seal in the container.Allow it to stand by a sunlit window until the mixture has turned somewhat opaque ( this could take three weeks )Take a teapoon every few hours or whenever necessary.Honey garlic also soothes a sore throat.
Sore throat : Combine four or five leaves of basil, that has been pounded in two cups of boiling water.Cool the mixture.Add a teaspoon of pure lime juice.Add one teaspoon of honey.Sip a teaspoon every 30 minutes
Calluses/corn : Place two sliced pieces of peeled garlic onto the callus with a plaster.Leave this in place for 10 hours.Do this for several days until the corn or callus disappears.
Skin infections : For treating pain or itching resulting from sores and ringworm,use a mix of meshed turmeric with water.The mash should be applied to the affected areas
Jock itch cure: Apply pure honey overnight for three consecutive days.Honey works by sucking out the moisture from the fungus through osmosis and in the process killing it.Honey has specific anti-fungal properties. Make sure your honey is pure.Diluted or sugar fortified honey can cause the fungal infection to worsen.