Counter-strike Beta 7.1 (client/server) has just been released
and you can head over to
to download it. You can now play CS beta 7.1 at PCGH and don't
forget to try cs_siege map, the APC vehicle is really cool.
- fixed de_vegas crashing
- tweaked burst fire accuracy system
- slightly improved vehicle code
- included missing skies (for cs_arabstreets, de_train)
- fixed mp_timelimit bug
- added APC to cs_siege
- new server variable, "mp_maxrounds X" {X = maximum number of
rounds to be played on a map, if X = 0, then maps will rotate
based on mp_timelimit}
- fixed crosshairs {They now expand regardless of lag}
- fixed player heights {Player's POV is now representative of
the third person player model}
- fixed shotgun not showing up in VGUI menus in as_ maps for CTs
- included new death icon for headshots