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    Got any good new news?

    Keeping myself abreast with what is happening in my home country for all the years and on is no sweat for now, for I can have all those fresh news right in front of my monitor, courtesy of global network, the Internet. Keep abreast too, by having those connections as I listed some.

    CNN - Where news around the world is on your hand any minute of the day.

    ABS-CBN - One of the pride and glory of Philippines media coverage.

    Philippines STAR - Daily news of happenings down in PI.


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I know, I lack the height (5'7" is too small to guard Air Jordan!), I can't serve for a 220Kph speed (I'm not Pete Sampras!) and I know I can't check you for one move (do tell me if there's any chess grandmaster who have done that move!) but I am not behind to all of these. I take some sports to be my past time and I like playing with my colleagues here when the day's work is over.

Believe it or not, I can play basketball (though I'm not as acrobatic as Asaytono). lawn or table tennis (try me here), volleyball (hit a ball and I'll give you a smash!) and even soccer (the goalie) in one evening time (yabang 'no!).

Well, to flex out your muscles, I've got some pics. of my favorites each showing their own masterability of their game. It's for your viewing pleasure!

NBA's counterpart, the PBA! It's where real action showcases...

Play19.jpg (56187 bytes) Move out!, three is a crowd, will you!

Play18.jpg (64314 bytes) Watch out!, two balls up in the air!


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Sights & Sounds...

Onred.gif (128 bytes) Movie Ga-gas...

A friend told me, you know, I've seen you in a movie. Are you sure, telling him back. What's the title, I added more (with curiosity). He replied, I remember now, it's entitled "Machete!". Oh no, I never played the title role! (though they say I look like him, hmmmn.) But you are, he insisted. I've even seen you again with the last one I've watched, he added. You're the one in that movie George of the Jungle isn't it? Really!, you think I'm that crazy!, I've answered.  I know, I'm just following what direk told me to do!.... Cut! good take!

Half of the truth is, I just love watching movies as well as in boob tube. You can't get me stand in my seat when I'm watching mini-serials from the like of JAG, X-Files or Moonlighting. Evenmore when Baywatch girls are cruising in the beach-tube!


Onred.gif (128 bytes) My kind of music...

Ballads make my soul elated everytime I hear these kinds of music. Rythmic powered ballads from pitch perfect voice clarity of Celine Dion or those from Michael Bolton creates something vibrant that can fill some bogus things in my life. I really like their songs.

If you happen to have all that multimedia paraphernalias in your PC, why not try a tune-in visit to KPLX, and take some time listening to some country ballads of the country diva Shania Twain. Turn your PC into a music component!


Onred.gif (128 bytes) Ah..Books..., Mags...

Contrary to what my friends around says, I'm not a bookworm. I am a reader that's it. The only thing is, I'm a dreamer pretending to be one of those great writers (that's why, you can see the proof. Lengthy words and blah, blah, blah..).

I envy those of the like of John Grisham who crafted "The Client" and his "A time to Kill" which were also filmed basedly on his craft. Also with Ms. P. D. James, I really like her for making a saga for Commander Dagliesh. Great are her "Death of an Eyewitness" and her "A Certain Distance".

THere in the gulf, even scrap magazines can still be a lot of help. It helps us ease out our daily work. We usually borrow each other's magazine and when your mag. return back to you, surely it's out of date and already torn out. Beside of the daily newspaper I used to read, I keep updating myself about IT and always keep a monthy issue of computer mags. Really, it helps me alot!


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Friends All Around...

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Searching for friends universallly...


Friends do come and go! I've got loads of friends in my address book wherein I can't even remember their faces now. Many of them I know I can still rely on and some now were too difficult to catch on their whereabouts.

Friendship can never be an instant noodle rather it is to be nurtured. I can be one of your friend too if you just give me time to prove I'm worth.

Check me out, some of the guy here may say something 'bout me that can bewilder you.

Noel F. Diaz  -  Here's a smart guy, who never gives up!!
Arnold D. Reyes - Arnold san, err... Jayson Ev... Opps, pards please pass the soup!

And of course, I being a proud Ilokano can tell you more about us when you visit...

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