Hi I'm Pebbles, or Pebz to me friends
Thank you for coming to see my page, below
you will find links to all the things I have
put together.

I haven't worked on this page in a few years,
so there is nothing new! But take a gander at the old stuff and come back
you never know when I might add to it! OKAY, I will try to work on this page soon because they wanted to deactivate it! YIKES!!!!!!!!! Also, my guestbook was deleted by mistake, haven't fixed it yet!

Links to other sites on the Web

Pebz & Ivy4 in California

My Children

Help With Abducted Children,
Our Tribute to Our Abducted Son:
Zane's Page

Gem and Our Zane

Link to Friends Home Pages

Hubby, Gem's Page

The Flintstone's

Wedding Picture

Please Sign My Guestbook if You Haven't Yet !

Please e-mail me, I'd love to hear from you!

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