My Little Darlin's

These are my two sons. This is an old picture, but one of my very favorites. Sean is 3 and Scott is 1. This is also when they would still let me dress them funny!

These pictures were taken at Sand Lake, just outside Tillamook, Oregon. The boys love quad riding!

This is Sean on the left, taken in Feb. of '98 on his 11th birthday. Our dog Abbah-Gale, (Abby), is also in this picture.

This is Scott on the right, taken Jan. of '98, on his 9th birthday. He's getting to that age where he doesn't like to give hugz, but he indulged his mother for this kodak moment!

The kids insisted that I put a picture of Abby and myself on their page, this is my only daughter!....*LOL*....we look alot alike don't we!

This picture is from July of '98. They are getting big and so very handsome!

I'll be adding more to this page, when I get the time.

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