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August 9, 1999
~Note~ There have been a few minor modifications to the appearance of this page. If you have received one (or more) notifications from Mind-It, please disregard this time, as nothing new has been added...however new material is being prepared and will be available soon. angel{LA}
Added July 17, 1999
Rules for being Human
10 rules for being human, written by an unknown author.
~Comment~ A link to Castle Realm's Rememberance page of jade{LC}, my big sis, has been added to some of the pages, in loving memory of her. May her memory live on in those that knew her, loved her, and can feel her words in their soul. i love you, sis!
Added December 17, 1998
Introduction to BDSM Activities
excerpts from an email that angel wrote in response to a question about discovering and exploring BDSM activities, sharing her experiences and thoughts.
Added October 11, 1998
Deconstructing angel
a new section to the site created to share a bit more with our visitors about who angel is - from the basics, to more specific information, thoughts, opinions and ideas.
Updated September 18, 1998
- a long overdue couple has been added, along with some updates to already existing entries. *smile*
Awards - we are honored to have been bestowed with The Glory of Submission Award.
Revised/Updated September 7, 1998
Added September 7, 1998
Removed September 7, 1998
- Camelot's Discussion Board
[Table of Contents]
Contact Lord Adama and angel