Party Policies of SSS

SSS sanctions only safe and controlled mutually acceptable fun. Absolutely no abuse or coercion will be tolerated.

Only members may attend parties. No one else should be even told of the location of the parties. (The need for emergency contact by family members excepted)

All members will keep confidential all information about other members.

Camera's will not be used without the express consent of all parties.

Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be asked to leave. This is for the safety of the members.

In group play, there should NEVER be sexual touching. Contact should be limited to the parts of the anatomy normally touched in a discipline spanking. In no case, should anyone touch another in any way which makes that person uncomfortable.

When you play, be sure of the ground rules. Make sure of what you can and cannot do. Do not test someone else's limits with out first checking with that person for their approval. If in doubt, Don't.

Do not join in on anyone's playtime, without the express permission of BOTH parties. This is rule is the one most often broken. It is also the one that gets the most gripes.

Treating others with respect and courtesy is expected at all times - mildly bratty behavior is excepted. Take care, some men do not like to be around bratty behavior.

Public nudity is not acceptable. Nudity has its place, let's keep it in its place.

If you borrow an implement, book, vidoe, etc. you are expected to return it directly to that person.

Toys should never be carried openly in public areas where they might be seen by "civilians". You should not leave toys in the open in your motel room, when you are not in the room.

You should exercise discretion when discussing activities and interests in public areas.

The universal safeword is "SAFEWORD". When used, all play will stop IMMEDIATELY. The bottom will then decide how play will be resumed or if play will be terminated. Other safewords may be established between partners; however "Safeword" is will always be recognized. Other commonly used safewords are:
"YELLOW" - slow down, lets talk about what it going on here.
"RED" - stop immediately, not another movement.

At all times the Top is in control and the Bottom is in charge.

Rules for Tops

Be very aware of the bottoms verbal and non-verbal communication. A good spanking is one enjoyed foremost by the bottom. Starting out easy and gradually building is a prudent approach. Always spank the sweet spot. Never high and never let a strap wrap.

Be aware of the bottoms body position, pressure points and joints. Ask if you are unsure.

Exercise your best judgment when using any implement, especially if you are not familiar with it's usage, limitations and the range of motion.

Don't assume anything! If you don't know your partner well, ask permission before using an implement and before rearranging or removing any clothing.

Rules for Bottoms

Before play begins, clearly and specifically state your desires and limits. Tell your partner about any implements or anything else that is unacceptable to you.

Understand your physical limitations and accept them. Tolerance levels very from time to time as well as among individuals.

If kicking and struggling are a part of the play, make sure your partner knows this before play starts.

Always talk before play

These guidelines were adapted, with our appreciation, from The Indy Woodshed on January 20, 1998 the date of our first party

More common sense rules

Non-Consensual Touching This means you do not touch anyone without their consent. Just because a lady is bratting you, you do not grab her and throw her over your lap.

Outside of play areas, where the public may see, you never swat anyone. Even your wife.

If I want to hug someone, I'll open my arms, but if they take my hand to shake it. I will not go ahead and hug them.

We're spankers/ees but there is no touching unless you have a prior consensual relationship with the woman or man OR you forewarn them you are going to do that giving them the opportunity to decline.

Interrupting Other's Play Time This is tricky one especially as there may be a lot going on in public play areas. Private sessions should be clear to everyone. If a couple of folks head behind closed doors, they are off-limits until they come out - barring emergencies (the building is on fire etc) Private sessions often involve role play and it's very hard to stay in character if interrupted. When public play is in progress, stay clear, give them room and under no circumstances add a swat, even if your spouse is involved unless you have prior express consent from both.

When someone is being spanked, you do not join in unless you have the prior consent of BOTH parties. Not even one swat as you walk by.

As to public playing - I have heard some say they get uncomfortable if the surrounding zone shrinks too much. If you are watching, it's best to stay several feet away from the action unless you have the prior consent of BOTH parties to join in.

One last note for the newcomers - no one really mentioned this and I'm giggling as I think of it. You come a long way and find yourself with new friends that you can talk spanking with. After a day or two it's so comfortable, you just don't even think about it. But if those waiters in the restaurant we ate in didn't know what we were about, they were deaf. I doubt if most noticed they were doing this, but comments were flying all over the place. And you should have seen the looks on the faces of some of the bar patrons !!! Just something to keep in mind. Happens all the time at spanking parties. Don't think there is a rule about this but it might lead to some embarrassment.

Last but not least !! The thong/nudity issue. I didn't notice many thongs being used and I didn't see anyone upset by that. We're adults and it's not that shocking. HOWEVER, especially for the gentlemen, but also for the ladies, DO NOT deliberately expose frontal nudity to others unless you are in private play and have PRIOR consent. There will obviously be little peeks as people lay down and get up and when there is wiggling going on. That's OK. It is NOT OK to expose yourself on purpose.