Photo Gallery 2

I recently scanned a few more pictures of me that I felt like putting on my page just for here they are...

Oh ya, forgive me if the pictures are sorta's from the scanning and resizing.....

The first picture is of me and Kris sometime in the summer of 95 I believe....Yup, I am sure we were going into Grade 11. Anywayz, this was us on Dennis's porch cause his parents went away for the weekend so we took advantage of that and us boys got together and got drunk like usual. We did this alot when we were 16...I mean alot......

The second is my puppy Patches. He is an Old English Sheepdog. Poor fellow passed away a few years back but he's still here in my heart.

The third photo is of me and my buddy Bret "The Hitman" Hart. This is when he was going over a contract signing with me. :)

Here is a photo of my last year playing for my school in the fall of 96. We won a few tournaments that year but did not make it to the Provincial Championships. Top row (from left): #7 Scott Carriere (P), #4 Reece Barthel (M), #8 Tim Au (P), #14 Barron Brown (RS), #12 Tony Caveney (M), #22 Cam Oswald (M), #10 Scott Madams (deleted from roster), Coach Roger Labossiere. Bottom Row: (from left) #2 Dennis Aquino (P), #1 Dan Cox (S), White Sweater Cory Dzikowski (deleted from roster), #15 Ronnel Pagsuyuin (P), #5 Rob Geswin (RS), #9 Dustin Cometa (RS). Missing: #11 James Fajardo, and Coach Alex Fernandes

The second photo is just one of me in one of my work uniforms.

The third photo is another group shot of the 6pak.

This is a pic of New Year's Eve 1997. (Going into 98) It was an okay night. Back (from left to right): Jodi Hamm, Rob Chester; Front (from left to right): Tim Au (me), Dennis Aquino, Cecille Macalino, and Barron Brown. (Thanx to Cec for the photo job)



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