The pics have been moved to the Archive page.
Kallah 99 pics!(some)
AZA from RB- Randy, Jeff, Adam
From YBY- Maia and Nikki
More YBY-, Al and Reut
Hillary and Rebecca from YBY
More chillin girls
Seniors at their program
Closing circle, Amanda, Russel, Randy, Perkle and Adam
Closing circle, Juliet, Lindsay, Simone, Liz, Mike and Strich
Regional Board at Kallah
Yad B'Yad BBG at Kallah
Hanukkah Dance pics down under MISC. pics
LTI 99 Pics
Kim and Jacky on the bus
Sari and Tracy on the bus
Nikki and Hillary on the bus
Lilya and Jeff on the bus...hey Jeff..what are you looking at?
Russel and Nikki on the bus
Wayne and Ronit welcoming us to LTI
Random girls having fun
Hillary and Lilya sorry the coloring is so bad
Jeff, Dave Ben-Berak and Randy showin off
Nikki and Tracy sexy girls
Kim and Debbie--CT girls
Sari, Simone and Liz doing birkat
Lilya, Liz, Juliet, Hillary, Megan and Tracy hanging out
Brian, Marion, Nikki and Amy leading Havdallah. (Sorry the pic is was very dusty there and got on my lens)
Marc Chagall AZA at banquet
Yad B'Yad bbg at banquet
Irvine AZA at banquet. (sorry the pic is grainy...the dust got on my lens!
Shiga'on BBG doing a train at banquet
Mishpacha BBG--Megan, Juliet and Amy at banquet
Elizabeth and Simone smile for the string cheese
More singing --Megan, Amy and Sarah
Elana, Hillary and Liz --all matching
Girls dancing and singing
Brian Schaffer and Mike Slatkin
Misc pics
Hanukah Dance Pics
Before dance, , Ayala, Strich, Nikki, Brian, Hillary and Wayne
Hillary and Elizabeth at the dance
Hillary, Simone, Juliet and Nikki
At In and Out Hill and Juliet were tired
other misc pics Nikki and Hill in a bookstore.... :)