The following links are links to pages which have created reciprocal links to this page, or pages I just like. The ones I REALLY like have received awards, and those are listed on my Awardees page. Some of those links are or will be duplicated here. Some of the below links are links to commercial pages, most are not. Feel free to browse any of these sites.

A special note. I LOVE to create web pages, and I love to create web graphics, but I've always disliked creating links. So if I put a link here, it is because I really believe the site is one worth visiting!

Below are text links to a number of places. To get the full graphical links Go Here

Isophecles' Plethora of Pages
To see some of the other work that the Santa Kitten has done the rest of the year.
Robinson & Stirling This is a small company in the UK with beautiful mail-order jewelry, they kindly linked to me without being asked, so I have returned the favor. CatStuff This is one of my favorite sites to visit, of course, and the owner of this site graciously gave me permission to use one of her graphics, which I have done on my logo and banner ads. Visit her wonderful site!!! Myths & Stuff Ever been plagued with dozens of chain emails about Disney, or about Bill Gates? Do you use ICQ and keep getting alarming messages to forward? Do you ever wonder bout these myths? If so, this is THE place to go! The site for the actress Caryn Shalita. She also linked to my page without any expectations of returns, so I'm linking back to her. She has a wonderful, helpful site with links to many christmas graphical sites. Soundstone A different sort of online music store. Check it out!

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The Mining Company Web Clipart Section
WWW Riot

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