Links for peoples with homepages--Click on their name:)
CDJAVIER--a REAL-LIFE friend who happens to be a CYBER friend az well! Good luck @ UNC-G!!!
Yazz--Ur a kewl little raver chic--stay sweet n sexy;) Still on my way to Cali.....:)
Purely Overjoyed--Couldn't find a nicer girl on tha net--I'm sure everyone in tha chat room would agree--Thanx:)
Dooger11--My cousin my best friend yah! If ya ever need words put in ur mouth just get on tha phone n ill be over wit my pen n paper!:)
LiLiTh--Heya crazee--havent known ya long but i dont need to ur WEIRD kiddo!--doncha know i am too so KEWL:) Theres a ur computer.....:P
pg-17--o course o course:) what can i say here ya know besides wow:) ur incredible--like our dates:) hows ur computer chair?? heheheheheh!!:)
BrightAngel14--I'm sorry
Thunderpunkin--Yah yah dannie ill put u on here too cabbage butt:)--u n alisha--geez:)--lookin forward to WA!
NCACTOR81--another one o my REAL LIFE friends on here--gonna miss you all at college--come up 4 a visit some time partee--maybe even get u a honey up there eh?
Aliss--my dear friend who i ALWAYZ forget to email:) sorry bout that i wuz doin ok there--for awhile:) i WILL get back to you soon:P
Blessed Love--Where r u Lyn??????????
KIM--o course my little hottie kim couldnt ferget her:) sorry no homepage addy i lost it--maybe if i ever get back in touch wit ya ill get it--miss ya !!
Angelkisses for you--sorry havent talked to ya in awhile--email me!!!!!
BrookeS217--best girl-friend in REAL LIFE:) alwayz be there 4 ya Brooke u know this:) just ride one o those flyin elephants over to UNC-A n see me!:)
Lastly, but not leastly....
BluNailPolish!!--Miss Alisha Mae--my fellow crazee and apricot butt--great girl though really:)--if only she was more like her friend Turdle Poop...*lol*
Everyone i left out--much love n respect--sorry! If i fegot u n you wanna be added email me simple as that!
- DaNiEl
Age: 15
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
School: Mt. Tabor High School
Religion: Pentecostal/Christian--not strict at all
Friends for: 9 months
Drugs?: Used to
Smoke?: Nope
Good friends?: Sorta--he's my best church friend
Physical characteristics: Bout 5'8" with "scrubby" brown
hair--don't know how much he weighs but ya find him to be
the short pudgy type
Likes: Rap music, metal, girls shorter than he is,
anything that sounds remotely stupid
Dislikes: WEll he doesnt really not like anything--just
certain people
Misc: Greg's whacked out a lot--one of em people youd say
has a "natural" high--if ya can believe that!! Book smart,
not street smart, but he works on a rescue squad so he has
seen some things in his life--good friend though--alwayz
willin to help me out--still kinda naive though
- LiZ
Age: 16
School: North Davidson High School
Location: Clemmons, NC
Religion: Pentacostal/Christian--not strict
Friends for: 9 months
Drugs?: Nah
Smoke?: On occassion
Good friends: Very--like a sis to me!
Physical characteristics: Sorry guyz no measurements!!(i want these girls to STAY my friends ya know?)Shes kinda tall--bout 5'8"--with medium length black hair--no weight comments either!!--but shes not fat
Likes: ME!!(Im narcissistic but its true!), all kindsa music, guys in general
Dislikes: Guys she breaks up with, people who ignore her
Misc: Been through a lot with Liz. She used to be in love with me, and i think she still is, but thats another story--kewl person to be around--the type ya would wanna have at a party--but she has mad mood swings--one of my best friends
- HiLaRy
Age: 18
Location: Mocksville, NC
School: Davie High School
Religion: Christian--not strict
Friends for: 1 year, 5 months
Drugs?: Used to HEAVILY
Smoke?: From time to time
Good friends?: Yes, one of the four friends in my life I feel i can talk to bout anything
Physical characteristics: Shes a little shorty:) Really light too--petite kinda--brown hair bout down to shoulders n brown eyes to match--she can fight though--shes a dancer(and a good one at that) so shes pretty well conditioned
Likes: Her boyfriend Brandon, whose one of tha top 25 prep b-ball players in NC, seven mary three, talkin, n talkin, n talkin(ya get my point:)
Dislikes: Snobs, people who dont listen(wonder why?!), things she cant reach(shes only like 5 feet tall--if that)
Misc: Hilary's had a real tough time of it--used to be into tha whole gang scene till she found Christ--shes tough though--can talk just bout anyone down if she needs to--but shes really sweet too--weve had all these long discussions in her car(which is way too small for me) bout thingz--shes really kewl
- MaTt(AKA "Tuck" or "Stinky")
Age: 17
Location: Mocksville, NC
School: Davie High School
Religion: Baptist/Christian
Friends for: 2 years, 9 months
Drugs?: Nosir
Smoke?: Never in his life
Good Friends?: One of my good friends from back in tha day...
Physical Characteristics: Tuck is built--I'll give him that! He plays football and tennis so he should be. Blond hair, bout 6'0".
Likes: Green Bay Packers, Anything with Carolina, laughing like a monkey, partying, acting like fool
Dislikes: Any